The Joint NEA/IAEA Group on Uranium (UG)
Ranger Uranium Mine, Australia. Photo: Alberto Otero Garcia, Creative Commons.

The general objectives of the Uranium Group are to:

  • co-ordinate the preparation of periodic assessments of the world's supply of natural uranium;
  • examine the relationship of these supply capabilities to projections of natural uranium demand;
  • foster the exchange of technical information in the fields of uranium resources, exploration and production technology in co-operation with member countries, and with other international organisations as appropriate;
  • recommend to the NEA and the IAEA actions that might be taken to assure adequate long-term supply of uranium for nuclear power development.

The group's primary area of work is producing the biennial publication of the Red Book but it also reviews other topics of interest, such as the environmental protection practices in the uranium mining industry. It also monitors all developments that could impact the uranium industry.

Members of the Uranium Group are nominated by governments. They include experts from government agencies and from industrial and research organisations with interests in uranium geology, mining and processing.

Uranium Group working area  (password protected | reminder)

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