The Convention on Assistance sets up a framework for states parties to co-operate amongst themselves and with the International Atomic Energy Agency to facilitate prompt assistance in the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency.
More information on the Convention on Assistance, including the text and current status, is available here.
The following articles related to the Convention on Assistance were published in the Nuclear Law Bulletin:
Parties to the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency |
Albania | Estonia | Malawi | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Algeria | Finland* | Malaysia | Saudi Arabia |
Argentina* | France* | Mali | Senegal |
Armenia* | Gabon | Mauritania | Serbia |
Australia | Georgia | Mauritius | Singapore |
Austria | Germany | Mexico* | Slovak Republic* |
Bangladesh | Ghana | Moldova | Slovenia* |
Belarus* | Greece | Monaco | South Africa* |
Belgium* | Guatemala | Mongolia | Spain* |
Benin | Hungary* | Montenegro | Sri Lanka |
Bolivia | Iceland | Morocco | Sweden* |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
India* | Mozambique | Switzerland* |
Botswana | Indonesia | Myanmar | Syrian Arab Republic |
Brazil* | Iran* | Namibia | Tajikistan |
Bulgaria* | Iraq | Netherlands* | Tanzania |
Burkina Faso | Ireland | New Zealand | Thailand |
Cambodia | Israel | Nicaragua | Tunisia |
Cameroon | Italy | Niger | Türkiye |
Canada* | Japan* | Nigeria | Turkmenistan |
Chile | Jordan | North Macedonia | Ukraine* |
China* | Kazakhstan | Norway | United Arab Emirates* |
Colombia | Korea* | Oman | United Kingdom* |
Costa Rica | Kuwait | Pakistan* | United States* |
Côte d'Ivoire | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Panama | Uruguay |
Croatia | Latvia | Paraguay | Viet Nam |
Cuba | Lebannon | Peru | Zimbabwe |
Cyprus | Lesotho | Philippines | EURATOM |
Czechia* | Liberia | Poland | Food and Agriculture Organisation |
Denmark | Libya | Portugal | World Health Organisation |
Ecuador | Liechtenstein | Qatar | World Meteorological Organisation |
Egypt | Lithuania | Romania* | |
El Salvador | Luxembourg | Russia* | |
Eritrea | Madagascar | Rwanda |
* Country with at least one nuclear power plant in operation.