Protocol to Amend the Paris Convention on Nuclear Third Party Liability (2004 Protocol to the PC)

The 2004 Protocol to the PC improves the existing regime by requiring that more money be made available to compensate more victims for a broader range of damages.


Adopted: 12 February 2004

Opened for signature: 12 February 2004

Entered into force: 1 January 2022

Signatories: 16 (see table below)


More information on the 2004 Protocol to the PC, including the text, is available here.

The text of the 2004 Protocol to the PC is also reproduced in the Supplement to Nuclear Law Bulletin No. 75.

The current status of the 2004 Protocol to the PC is available here.

The following is a sampling of the articles related to the 2004 Protocol to the PC that have been published in the Nuclear Law Bulletin:

  • The Reform of the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy and of the Brussels Supplementary Convention, by R. Dussart Desart (NLB 75, p. 7).
  • Revised Paris and Vienna Nuclear Liability Conventions – Challenges for Insurers, by M. Tetley (NLB 77, p. 27).
  • Deliberations on Compensation and Remediation of Nuclear Damage to the Environment, by N. Pelzer (NLB 86, p. 49).


Signatories to the Protocol to Amend the Paris Convention on Nuclear Third Party Liability
Belgium* Germany* Norway Sweden*
Denmark Greece Portugal Switzerland*
Finland* Italy Slovenia* Türkiye
France* Netherlands* Spain* United Kingdom*

* Country with at least one nuclear power plant in operation.