International Workshop on the Full Costs of Electricity Provision
Welcome remark, William Magwood D.G. (NEA) & Jaejoo Ha, Head of Nuclear Development Division (NEA) |
Session 1. Introduction |
The full costs of electricity provision, Marc Deffrennes and Jan Horst Keppler (NEA) Overview of past work and recent advances in assessing the full costs of electricity provision, Stefan Hirschberg (PSI) European Commission research programmes: From ExternE and NEEDs to more recent activities, Doris Neumann (EC) |
Session 2. Plant-level costs |
Defining plant-level costs, Geoffrey Rothwell (NEA) Synthesis on the plant-level cost of nuclear, William D'haeseleer (University of Leuven) |
Session 3. System costs |
System costs: An introduction, Marco Cometto (NEA) Technical and economic analysis of the European electricity system with 60% RES, Alain Burtin (EDF) |
Session 4. The costs of climate change |
Estimating the cost of climate change using the optimal cost of control methodology, Jan Horst Keppler (NEA) From cost of control to cost of inaction: Overview of the CIRCLE project, Olivier Durand-Lasserve (OECD ENV) |
Session 5. The costs of air pollution |
The costs of environmental pollution, Rainer Friedrich (University of Stuttgart) The cost of air pollution, Nils Axel Braathen (OECD Environment) |
Session 6. The costs of major accidents |
The costs of major accidents: An introduction, Marco Cometto (NEA) Consequences of accidents in the energy sector, Stefan Hirschberg (PSI) |
20 January 2016
Paris, France