Workshop on Nuclear Damages, Liability Issues and Compensation Schemes

Photo: ShutterStock/Duncan Andison.


The workshop was held at the International Energy Agency (IEA) Headquarters in Paris on 10-11 December 2013, and gathered nearly 75 invited experts from 14 NEA member countries (Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Spain, United Kingdom, United States), the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Commission.

The participants, representing legal experts, insurers, economists and industry communities, shared their experience regarding the legal framework and the insurance coverage for nuclear liability, with a particular focus on the financial aspects. The workshop was organised into the following four sessions:

  1. Presentation of the international nuclear liability regimes
  2. Presentation of selected national nuclear liability regimes and regimes applicable to other industries
  3. Insurance and alternative forms of financial security
  4. The industry perspective on nuclear liability

Introductory session

Session I: Presentations on the international nuclear liability regimes

Session II: Presentations on selected regimes


Session III: Insurance and alternative forms of financial securities


Session IV: The industry perspective on nuclear liability