Ad hoc Expert Group on Managing Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining (MEHIUM)
Ad hoc Expert Group on Managing Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining (MEHIUM)
Ranger Uranium Mine in Kakadu National Park, Australia. Photo: Rhonda.W, Creative Commons.
Uranium mining practices have evolved considerably since the mid to late 20th century when most of the legacy sites were produced. Although most of these sites have been remediated, the outdated practices that produced the legacies as well as their impacts on the workforce, local inhabitants and the environment, remain a fundamental part of the mindset of those opposed to uranium mining. The purpose of the Ad hoc Expert Group on Managing Environmental and Health Impacts of Uranium Mining was to produce an account of the practices employed by modern uranium miners and to review up-to-date information on the health and environmental impacts of modern mining practices and regulations in all uranium producing countries.