Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning: Completed Activities
Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning: Completed Activities
The working parties and expert groups with completed mandates, completed projects and completed conferences and workshops during the last mandate (2011-2016) and current mandate (2017-2022) of the RWMC, as are those of various decommissioning activities.
Working parties and expert groups with completed mandates
Expert groups under the RWMC
- Expert Group on Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste (EGPMRW), 2014-2018
- Expert Group on Inventorying and Reporting Methodology (EGIRM), 2014-2018
- Expert Group on Fukushima Waste Management and Decommissioning (EGFWMD), 2014-2016
Working Party on Decommissioning and Dismantling (WPDD) (2000-2019) and its expert groups
- Decommissioning Cost Estimation Group (DCEG), 2008-2018
- Task Group on Optimising Management of Low-level Radioactive Materials and Waste from Decommissioning (TGOM), 2016-2018
- Task Group on Preparing for Decommissioning during Operation and after Final Shutdown (TGPFD), 2015-2017
- Task Group on Nuclear Site Restoration (TGNSR), 2013-2015
- Task Group on Radiological Characterisation and Decommissioning (TG-RCD), 2011-2017
Projects in the Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC)
Conferences and workshops
- NEA Workshop on the Application of Remote and Robotic Systems in Nuclear Back‑End Activities – Way Forward in System Implementation, 30-31 January 2019, Marcoule, France
- NEA Workshop on Information, Data and Knowledge Management (IDKM), 22-24 January 2019, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
- International Workshop on Deepening Comprehension on Safety Case on Deep Geological Repository (DGR) and Public Confidence on Japan's DGR Programme, 28-29 November 2018, Tokyo, Japan
- The Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) Symposium 2018: Current Understanding and Future Direction for the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 10-11 October 2018, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Joint RF/WPDD Workshop on Regulation of Decommissioning, 20-21 June 2018, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
- International Workshop on the implementation of the methodology for presenting national RW and SF management programmes, 28 February-1 March 2018, Boulogne-Billancourt, France
- Joint IGSC/FSC Workshop on Safe Case Communication, 14-15 September 2017, Paris, France
- Joint IGSC/SITEX Seminar on Regulatory Review of Safety Cases for Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 21-22 February 2017, Paris, France
- Workshop on Current and Emerging Methods for Optimising Safety and Efficiency in Nuclear Decommissioning, 7-9 February 2017, Sarpsborg, Norway
- International Conference on Financing of Decommissioning, 20-21 September 2016, Stockholm, Sweden
- International Conference on Geological Repositories – Continued Engagement and Safe Implementation, 7-9 December 2016, Paris, France
- Workshop on Fukushima Waste Management and Decommissioning R&D, 6-7 July 2016, Tokyo, Japan
- Joint NEA/IAEA Workshop on the Operational Safety of Geological Disposal, 29 June-1 July 2016, Paris, France
- NEA Seminar on Lessons Learnt from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, 31 March 2016, Paris, France
- International Symposium on Preparation of Decommissioning, 16-18 February 2016, Lyon, France
- IGSC Scenario Development Workshop, 1-3 June 2015, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
- Symposium on Recycling of Metals Arising from Operation and Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities, 8-10 April 2014, Nyköping, Sweden
- IGSC Safety Case Symposium 2013, 7-9 October 2013, Paris, France
- Workshop on Radiological Characterisation in Decommissioning, 17-19 April 2012, Nyköping, Sweden