The NEA is the only intergovernmental agency which brings together a selection of countries from the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region in a non-political forum dedicated to sharing and disseminating state of the art knowledge in the field of nuclear energy.
Further reading
The NEA framework of standing technical committees, joint international undertakings, and Secretariat-serviced, separately-funded bodies allows the Agency to be flexible and responsive. After 60 years of international service, NEA scientific and technical work is at the forefront of knowledge. Through the work of over 70 working parties and expert groups, the NEA publishes consensus positions on key issues to provide credible references and examples of best practice. NEA joint projects and information exchange programmes also allow interested members and non-members to join forces in carrying out research projects on a cost-sharing basis.
In 2021, the NEA Secretariat is composed of 104 staff members from 19 countries. Professional staff are often specialists from national administrations and research institutes, bringing their experience to the Agency for two to five years on average.
The NEA aims to establish effective relationships with partner countries whose participation in the NEA programme can be mutually beneficial and to ensure complementarity and increase synergies with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the European Commission (EC) and other international bodies. When relevant for its programme of work, the NEA develops exchanges with industrial organisations.