Two Fukushima Daiichi nuclear safety research projects are currently carried out under the auspices, and with the support, of the NEA: the Analysis of Information from Reactor Buildings and Containment Vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (ARC-F) Project, and the Preparatory Study on Fuel Debris Analysis (PreADES). Representatives from both projects gathered at the NEA from 10 to 13 February 2020 for respective project meetings and a joint information session on the current status of post‑Fukushima research activities and the progress at the Fukushima Daiichi site.
At the PreADES meeting, participants reviewed their ongoing work on fuel debris characterisation and analysis. They also launched a discussion on designing a future R&D framework for fuel debris sampling and analysis. At the ARC‑F meeting, discussions focused on severe accident progression and the status inside reactor buildings and containment vessels of Units 1‑3 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.