The NEA Forum on Stakeholder Confidence (FSC) held its 20th meeting during the week of 7 October 2019 and advanced its ongoing work on finalising its forthcoming report, entitled Dialogue in the Long‑term Management of Radioactive Waste.
Group members continued to focus on intergenerational discussions and formed a task group to gather specific information the current methods used in order to engage younger stakeholders. They discussed preliminary outcomes from the recently‑held NEA Workshop on Stakeholder Involvement: Risk Communication, and decided to continue to advance their work in this area.
In tandem with this meeting, the group also held a joint workshop with the NEA Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGSC) on "Managing Uncertainty in Siting and Implementation – Creating a Dialogue between Science and Society". The FSC and the IGSC are considering organising a third joint workshop in 2021.