SATIF-15 Workshop participants. Photo: courtesy of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
The 15th Workshop on Shielding aspects of Accelerators, Targets, and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-15) took place at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University on 20-23 September 2022. The workshop was chaired by Dali Georgobiani (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA) as Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee and Thomas Ginter (FRIB, USA) as Chair of the Local Organizing Committee. The workshop was sponsored by FRIB and co-sponsored by the NEA.
Support for the SATIF workshops is now part of the mandated activity of the Expert Group on Radiation Transport and Shielding (EGPRS) of the Working Party on Scientific Issues of Reactor Systems (WPRS) of the NEA Nuclear Science Committee (NSC). The EGPRS also co-ordinates maintenance and development of the Shielding Integral Benchmark Archive and Database (SINBAD) of reactor shielding, fusion neutronics and accelerator shielding benchmark experiments.
There was an unforeseen 2-year delay of the workshop due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, to accommodate the participants who were unable to travel, and to protect the workshop from cancellation due to a feasible pandemic surge, the workshop was carried out in a hybrid format. There were 130 registered participants. 43 of them were registered for in-person participation; the actual number of in-person participants was 35. There were 40 registered talks, 28 of them in-person, and 14 posters. 2 oral presenters and 2 poster presenters could not make it to the workshop for personal reasons.
The workshop consisted of eight technical sessions and one poster session, and a summary session where the status of the SATIF community and its efforts was summarised, and future actions were proposed. The workshop participants had also the opportunity to tour the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams.
Overall, there was a very impressive array of presentations, showcasing great achievements with respect to various new and emerging code modules, reviews of radiation environments at diverse facilities, as well as continuing research (such as standard concrete studies or intercomparison of particle production). Experts and developers of four major Monte-Carlo radiation transport codes – FLUKA, MARS, MCNP, and PHITS – presented the code advances, new features, and modules. Several talks featured state-of-the-art methods, such as Machine Learning implementations.
The workshop resulted in the following major conclusions:
Throughout the workshop, the objectives and activities of the SATIF community were emphasised. Traditionally, the meeting highlighted the importance of simulation code intercomparison, benchmarking simulation results with experimental data, gathering such data as a result of dedicated and organized experimental studies, as well as current results and achievements and future plans on code development. As with earlier SATIF community gatherings, code developers received requests to add new features to the codes in order to improve code application to shielding design and other implementations.
Following the tradition of rotating the SATIF workshop venue between America, Europe and Asia, the next SATIF workshop (SATIF-16) will take place in Europe. INFN-LNF in Frascati, Italy, was selected as the site for SATIF-16 based on a vote of the SOC (6 for INFN-LNF, 4 for GANIL, 1 neutral, 5 not respoding). It is scheduled for May 28-31, 2024.
Scientific Programme Committee
Oliver Buss (NEA)
Francesco Cerutti (CERN)
Anna Ferrari (HZDR)
Dali Georgobiani (FNAL, Chair)
Robert Grove (ORNL)
Hideo Hirayama (KEK)
Hee-Seock Lee (PAL)
Michael Mocko (LANL)
Nikolai Mokhov (FNAL)
Gunter Muhrer (ESS)
Hiroshi Nakashima (Hokkaido University)
Stefan Roesler (CERN)
Sayed Rokni (SLAC)
Marco Silari (CERN)
Timothy Valentine (ORNL)
Pedro Vaz (IST)
Local Organizing Committee
Georg Bollen
Dali Georgobiani (Co-Chair)
Tom Ginter (Chair)
Juan Carlos Zamora
Casey Hulbert (Admin support)