Under the oversight of the Nuclear Development Committee (NDC), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) continues to work on collecting and analysing the latest technical evidence and industrial experience to support construction costs and risk reductions of new nuclear builds. Accordingly, the NEA published in July 2020, “Unlocking Reductions in the Construction Costs of Nuclear: A Practical Guide for Stakeholders” (REDCOST), in an attempt to develop strategies and governing guidelines on how to unlock meaningful cost reductions in the deployment of large Gen-III reactors over the next decade and beyond within OECD countries.
Building on past and recent construction experience, this study identifies eight technological, organisational, regulatory and policy levers to incrementally drive positive learning in new nuclear builds. In particular, two main technology approaches could be rapidly implemented to deliver cost reductions in the short-term:
The NEA has launched the Advanced Technology and Nuclear Cost (ATNC) initiative with the objective to provide decision makers with a clear understanding of the development stage of these technology approaches, their cost reduction potentials and the challenges that may preclude their large-scale deployment. The first workshop was organised in May 2021 to assess the opportunities and challenges associated with digital transformation of the nuclear sector. The second workshop addressed recent developments in construction and manufacturing methods for both large and small modular reactors, while exploring potential ways to accelerate their implementation.
DAY 1: 14:00-17:30 CET
14:00-14:30 Opening session
14:30-16:00 Session 1: Panel on lessons learned from the construction of past and recent large nuclear projects
16:00-17:30 Session 2: Panel on insights into advanced construction and manufacturing techniques
DAY 2: 14:00-17:30 CET
14:00-14:15 Opening session
14:15-15:45 Session 3: Panel on improving constructability with small, modular and innovative nuclear designs
15:45-17:15 Session 4: Panel on enabling the implementation of new construction and manufacturing techniques in the nuclear sector
17:15-17:30 Closing session