The investigation conducted in the last 15 years on different aspects of Source Term worldwide, and particularly in the context of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) in the form of projects and the Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) activities, has resulted in a significant enlargement of the available database and an enhancement of the modelling capabilities. Nonetheless, the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) WGAMA group considered it timely to assess the status on the matter by holding a workshop with a twofold purpose: to identify the knowledge gaps and remaining uncertainties in the Source Term area that might have a sizeable impact on safety; and to discuss the best way to address them with existing and/or future methods, analytical tools, and facilities, if needed.
The scope of the international Workshop on Source Term, held on 21 and 22 January 2019 at the NEA headquarters in Boulogne-Billancourt (France), was limited to water cooled reactors and established types of fuels. The participants expect the major outcomes of the workshop to contribute to the development of the necessary activities to address the remaining safety-significant gaps in Source Term (ST).