Management of Spent Fuel, Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning in SMRs or Advanced Reactor Technologies

Figure 1: Generation IV International Forum []

The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) organised an international workshop on the implementation of radioactive waste management and decommissioning strategies in small modular reactors (SMRs) and advance reactor technologies. The event took place in Ottawa, Canada on 7-10 November 2022. 

As many countries are exploring ways to achieve their commitments to meet their decarbonisation targets by 2050, they are focusing their attention on the ongoing development of SMRs and Generation IV reactor technologies as an option to address the effect of climate change and future energy demand. To ensure these new technologies are viable to supplement existing energy sources, careful consideration of the management, storage, transport and disposal of the radioactive waste needs to be closely examined at the early stages of the design process. This topic is at the centre of nuclear and radioactive waste fields, and increasingly in the public domain. This topic has been surfacing in conversation for many months during various events within the international community, including those hosted by the NEA. 

The workshop convened participants from various fields of expertise in the areas of radioactive waste management, decommissioning, nuclear science and development, transportation, as well as young professionals, communication experts and researchers. The goal of the workshop was to devise a guideline document that will serve implementers in understanding key issues in decommissioning and waste management of new reactors from the design perspective, aiding in the licensing process and in future decommissioning and waste management activities.

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  • To better understand how radioactive waste management and decommissioning should be considered as part of a more comprehensive preparation for these reactors’ deployment from the design stage.
  • To understand unique features of SMR waste and the key questions that need to be answered to ensure a path to final disposal.
  • To review current challenges in decommissioning and provide lessons learned to avoid similar challenges in the future.
  • To better integrate educational institutions and engage with interested communities early in the processes.
  • To better understand how the current regulatory framework should be considered in the early development of SMR and advanced reactor technologies.

The Workshop took place at the Lord Elgin Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 

  • Address:  100 Elgin Street | Ottawa | ON, K1P 5K8
  • Telephone: +1 (613) 235-3333 
  • Hotel Webpage
Key Dates
  • Registration
    • Online registrations were open until 9 November. Please note that in-person registrations are now closed.
  • Issue of the final Program
    • Mid August 2022
  • Reservation at the Lord Elgin Hotel with Special rate ($189 CAD per night)
    • 7 October 2022
      • Details to reserve at a special rate  can be accessed here
  • Submission of Presentations
    • 24 October 2022
Site visit

Site visit to Chalk River Laboratories Schedule (10th November)

06:45 Meet in the lobby of Lord Elgin Hotel

7:00 – 9:00 Travel from Ottawa to Chalk River

9:00 – 9:45 Entrance process at Minwamon Building

BREAK (15 min)

10:00 – 12:00

Group 1 - Tour of decommissioning of National Research Experimental Reactor (NRX)

Group 2 - Tour of Waste Management Storage Areas (HLW/ILW) and Display of Transportation Flasks

12:00 – 13:30 Lunch & Presentations

Overview of CNL and Environmental Remediation Management (ERM)

CNL facilities decommissioning programme

o Regulatory Approach

o Reactor Decommissioning

CNL Integrated waste strategy

o Waste storage – current and planned

o Waste disposal – near surface disposal facility (NSDF)

o Consolidation of waste

CNL R&D work on SMR waste

13:30 – 15:30

Group 1 - Tour of waste management storage areas (HLW/ILW) and display of transportation flasks

Group 2 - Tour of decommissioning of National Research Experimental Reactor (NRX)

BREAK (15 min)

15:45 – 16:00 Departure process at Minwamon Building

16:00 – 18:00 Travel from Chalk River to Ottawa (Lord Elgin Hotel)

Programme Committee

Programme Committee members and the NEA Secretariat who are collaborating together in the preparation of the event: 


BRADY, Daniel Mr

CANADA - Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)


UNITED STATES - Environmental Management, U.S. DOE

FRATONI, Massimiliano Mr

UNITED STATES – University of California, Berkeley

LANDAIS, Patrick Mr

FRANCE - CEA – High Commissioner


CZECH REPUBLIC - State Office for Nuclear Safety


CANADA - CANDU Owners Group.


UNITED KINGDOM – NDA (Workshop Chair)

MECKE, Julie Ms

CANADA - Radioactive Waste for Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

OUE, Shirley MS

CANADA - Radioactive Waste for Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)





Division of Nuclear Technology Development & Economics (NTE)


Division of Radioactive Waste Management & Decommissioning (RWMD)

GRASSI, Gabriele Mr

Division of Nuclear Science and Education (SCI)

TADESSE, Rebecca Ms

Division of Radioactive Waste Management & Decommissioning (RWMD)

YILMA, Haimanot Ms

Division of Radioactive Waste Management & Decommissioning (RWMD)