Innovative Techniques and Technologies to Support Characterisation and Decommissioning of Complex and Legacy Sites

Picture: ANSTO

This event has now finished. Speaker presentations are available for download using the links in the 'Download' section.

NEA article reporting on this workshop:

Examining new technologies in decommissioning complex and legacy sites


The NEA Working Party on Technical, Environmental and Safety Aspects of Decommissioning and Legacy Management (WPTES) organised an international workshop Innovative Techniques and Technologies to Support Characterisation and Decommissioning of Complex and Legacy Sites. Topics included innovative site and radiological characterisation, as well as decommissioning techniques and technologies. The workshop also provided information on application of existing technologies to new problems including lessons learnt and best practices to overcome the challenges associated with the use of existing technologies.

The workshop gathered implementers, representatives from government and regulatory agencies, researchers and other stakeholders involved in decommissioning of complex and legacy sites. As regulators were part of the workshop audience, presentations on regulatory concerns and perspectives were included.


The objectives for this conference (see the concept paper for more details):

  • to better understand current state of art of technologies and techniques used in characterisation and decommissioning of complex and legacy sites (e.g., radiological and site characterisation, decontamination, dismantling, demolition, material/waste management and risk assessment);
  • to better understand challenges to successful implementation of innovative techniques and technologies including additional research, regulatory acceptance and availability of guidance;
  • to better understand how risk assessment influences decommissioning activities including characterisation, decontamination, remedial and final status survey decision-making;
  • to better understand good practices and methods for implementation of techniques and technologies;
  • to provide recommendations for the future work of the WPTES task groups and WPTES Expert Group.
Workshop programme plan

The three-day workshop featured presentations, panel discussions and break-out sessions to discuss possible solutions to key issues. Workshop structure:

  • Welcome session (opening, introduction of participants, keynote speeches)
  • Session 1: Innovative techniques and technologies for radiological and site characterisation
    • Subtopic 1.1: Innovative technologies for radiological characterisation (general)
    • Subtopic 1.2: Innovative techniques and technologies for radiological characterisation of buildings and structures
    • Subtopic 1.3: Innovative Technologies/Modeling/Tools to support, D&D
    • Subtopic 1.4: Innovative techniques and technologies for surveys of subsurface soils and groundwater
    • Subtopic 1.5: Innovative techniques and technologies for radiological and site characterisation of land
  • Session 2: Innovative decontamination and decommissioning technologies and good practices for implementation of technologies
    • Subtopic 2.1: General session on innovative technologies to support D&D
    • Subtopic 2.2: Innovative technologies to support D&D
  • Summary session (Summary of session Chairs, agreement on key findings and next steps, final remarks)
Practical information


OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

46, quai Alphonse Le Gallo

92100 Boulogne-Billancourt


Key Dates

Deadline for submission of presentations: 8 November 2022

Deadline for in-person registrations: 21 November 2022

Workshop: 29 November - 1 December 2022

Programme Committee

The Programme Committee (PC) members responsible for developing the workshop programme:


Vincent GORGUES CEA, France

Marc PEYROT, CEA, France

Thomas BRAUNROTH, GRS, Germany

Norbert MOLITOR, Plejades, Germany



Zhuoran LI, NEA



Sofía LUQUE CNS, Spain

Arne LARSSON Cyclife Sweden AB, Sweden

Steve HARDY, NDA, United Kingdom

Cynthia BARR, NRC, United States

Rick REID, EPRI, United States