The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has a long tradition of expertise in the area of nuclear emergency policy, preparedness and response management.
Through its technical programmes, the NEA offers its member countries assistance in nuclear preparedness with a view towards facilitating improvements in nuclear emergency preparedness strategies and nuclear emergency response at both a national and international level.
The Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Radiological Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM) held its 47th meeting in Paris on 25-26 October 2022. The meeting gathered 50 delegates from 18 member countries, three international organisations and invited representatives from the People’s Republic of China.
WPNEM meetings are an opportunity for its members to learn about the progress of their expert groups, explore emerging issues through topical sessions and share best practices for national and international emergency planning, response and recovery.
Delegates shared updates on emergency preparedness, response and recovery from their country or organisation. This collaborative session included a discussion on the preparation and response to emerging risks
Discussions around small modular reactors (SMRs) and advanced technologies were also facilitated to understand the potential radiological protection considerations of these innovative designs and to contribute to the ongoing review by CRPPH.
Feedback was gathered from WPNEM members on the findings of the Expert Group on the comparison and understanding of Dose-Prognosis (EGDP), the Expert Group on the use of Real-Time Platforms (EGRT) and the Expert Group on Non-Radiological Public Health Aspects of Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response (EGNR). Each expert group plans to publish their findings during 2023.
WPNEM members were also updated on the planning for the sixth International Nuclear Emergency Exercise (INEX-6). The multidimensional exercise will serve to identify gaps in policy, preparedness and regulation and will focus on the long-term recovery phase of emergencies. WPNEM members welcomed the progress that has been made by the Expert Group and look forward to the delivery of the exercise in 2024 and the lessons that are likely to be learnt in the area of recovery preparedness.
For more on the NEA’s work on radiological protection, see also.