The OECD NEA RASPLAV Project provided experiments with prototypical material and data on the behavior of molten core material (corium) in the reactor pressure vessel lower head during a severe accident with core melt and to assess the possible physicochemical interactions between molten corium and the reactor pressure vessel wall. Data was also obtained to confirm heat-transfer modeling for a large convective corium pool within the vessel lower head. In particular, data are to be used for the development and validation of models used for assessing in-vessel melt retention strategies in Light Water Reactors (LWRs).
The Project application report is discussing the applicability of the RASPLAV project results to severe accident modeling and related limitations. It was recommended that two main areas of further work be pursued. These are: (i) extension of the RASPLAV Project and related experiments to solve physicochemical aspects of convective corium pool behavior; and (ii) continued refinement of the models and codes as the results of future experimental work become available. These recommendations led to the development of the MASCA project.