Comparative Study of Alternative Options for Co-operative Transuranic elements Management

Transuranic elements (TRU), such as plutonium (Pu), neptunium (Np), americium (Am), and curium (Cm), are byproducts of nuclear fuel irradiation in reactors, presenting challenges in waste management due to increased heat, dose, toxicity, as well as safeguards concerns (for fissile isotopes). This study models and evaluates various TRU management strategies using nuclear fuel cycle scenario simulations to address these issues.

Objectives include:

  • assessing the TRU burning potential of different reactor fleets,
  • assessing the feasibility of returning to equilibrium TRU inventory states, and
  • comparing nuclear fuel cycle simulation codes and physics models. 

Additionally, this study investigates the potential for reusing spent nuclear fuel from one entity (Country B, phasing out nuclear power) in another (Country A, adopting an advanced nuclear fuel cycle), aiming to reduce Country B's inventory impact while providing fissile material for Country A's fuel cycle transition. The study focuses on the technical feasibility of these transitions without addressing cost or international agreements necessary for such transfers. 

Activity organisation

Activity lead: F. Álvarez Velarde (CIEMAT), Chair of the Expert Group on Advanced Fuel Cycle Scenarios (EGAFCS)

Participants: EGAFCS official delegates, invited experts and observers

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NEA Secretariat: S. Dabiran