FUDGE/(MC)GIDI/GNDS introductory course
Date: 10-13 June 2025
Place: OECD/NEA headquarters
            46, Quai Alphonse Le Gallo
            92100 Boulogne-Billancourt (Paris) - FRANCE
Minimum enrollment: 8 participants
Maximum enrollment: 22 participants
Course fee: 450 EUR
Registration deadline:  25 April 2025 
Payment deadline: Three weeks after the course confirmation
Contact: hedvig.nahon@oecd-nea.org
                with a copy to programs@oecd-nea.org 

This event consists of three-and-a-half-days of classes, with a discussion session following each topic. Time will be reserved for providing individual support to participants.

This training course will be taught in English by the FUDGE/(MC)GIDI/GNDS development team from LLNL.

Participants are required to bring their own laptops.

For information on how to get to the Nuclear Energy Agency and for nearby hotels, click here.

For any questions about this course, please send an email to hedvig.nahon@oecd-nea.org with a copy to programs@oecd-nea.org


This three-and-a-half-day introductory class is intended to give nuclear data evaluators and users an introduction to using the open-source codes FUDGE and GIDIplus (available from https://github.com/LLNL/fudge and https://github.com/LLNL/gidiplus) to generate and use nuclear data in the Generalised Nuclear Database Structure or GNDS.

FUDGE is a code (primarily written in Python) developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to manage generating, checking, visualising, processing, and using nuclear data libraries. The name stands for "For Updating Data and Generating Evaluations". It is primarily intended for use with data stored in Generalised Nuclear Database Structure (GNDS) files.

GIDIplus is a C++ API that supports reading and writing GNDS-formatted nuclear data. It also supports Monte Carlo sampling.

FUDGE is designed as a tool to support nuclear data evaluators, processors and users while GIDIplus is designed mainly for use by radiation transport codes.

Time will be available to discuss individual questions and problems with FUDGE/GIDIplus developers. If time permits, details on more advanced topics can be discussed at the request of participants.

The class will be based on the latest versions of FUDGE and GIDIplus

Topics include:

  • an overview of how data are organised in GNDS files;
  • a description of the FUDGE code including installation and basic use;
  • an explanation of various scripts released with FUDGE to aid evaluators and users;
  • a demonstration of using FUDGE to access, check and visualise GNDS data;
  • special topic on translating ENDF-6 into GNDS;
  • a demonstration of using FUDGE to generate GNDS-formatted evaluations;
  • explanation of the "processProtare" script, used to generate processed data libraries;
  • using "map" files to assemble GNDS files into a library; and
  • an introduction to using GIDIplus to access and sample GNDS nuclear data.
Payment information

The registration fee is 450 EUR. It includes lunch and coffee breaks, but does not cover accommodation. It must be paid no later than three weeks after the course confirmation.

Payment is to be made either by credit card on the NEA website or by invoice. Detailed information will be provided upon receipt of the registration form.

Registrations will be open until places run out. We draw your attention to the fact this course can only host 22 participants, so please do not delay in registering and paying the course fee.

Note aux participants français : l'OCDE/NEA n'est pas un centre de formation. Pour cette raison, les frais d'inscriptions sont dus avant le début de la prestation et il ne sera pas établi de convention de stage.