Pipe Integrity Workshop

The Metal Subgroup of the NEA Working Group on Integrity and Ageing of Components and Structures (WGIAGE) will organise the Pipe Integrity Workshop to:

  • Present the outcomes from the three piping integrity related benchmarking projects: leak-before-break (LBB), leak rate (LR) and probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM);
  • Discuss the potential implications of benchmark outcomes in supporting future applications of LBB and PFM;
  • Share knowledge and the lessons learnt from past projects.

The workshop will be divided into the following four sessions:

  • Session 1: Historical review of piping integrity assessment
  • Session 2: NEA benchmark projects
  • Session 3: PFM in supporting life extension
  • Session 4: Latest challenges in piping integrity

The event will feature expert presentations on the following topics:

  • Overview of NEA LBB, PFM and leak rate benchmark projects
  • LBB/PFM in supporting Generation IV and SMR reactor designs
  • PFM in supporting life extension
  • LBB/PFM in quantifying LOCA frequency
  • Challenges in applying break preclusion or break exclusion
  • Historical review of piping integrity assessment
  • Latest development of PFM software and application guidelines


Registration fee will be applied. An NEA report will be prepared to briefly summarise each presentation, discussion and key takeaways from the workshop, including recommendations for future work in this area. More details about the workshop will be provided soon. 


Please contact the NEA secretarit, Dr Keiko Chitose, if your organisation would like to participate in the workshop. 

23 - 25 September 2025
Paris, France

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Division of Nuclear Safety Technology and Regulation
Dr Keiko CHITOSE (Technical Secretariat)