OECD Nuclear Energy Agency / L'Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire OECD-OCDE

Benchmarking of CFD Codes for Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety (CFD4NRS)

Workshop Proceedings
Garching (Munich), Germany,
5-7 September 2006

Invited Papers

1. M. Réocreux (IRSN): Safety Issues Concerning Nuclear Power Plants: The Role of CFD

2. M. Gavrilas (NRC): Lessons Learned from International Standard Problem No. 43 on Boron Mixing

3. W. Oberkampf (SNL): Design of and Comparison with Verification and Validation Benchmarks

4. H-M.Prasser (ETHZ): Novel Experimental Measuring Techniques Required to Provide Data for CFD Validation

5. G. Yadigaroglu (ETHZ): CFD4NRS with a Focus on Experimental and CMFD Investigations of Bubbly Flows

Summaries of Invited Papers

Table of contents

Presentations on this CD-ROM are in pdf format.

© OECD 2007