SB (IET facility)

Russian Federation
EDO - EDO Gidropress
Operating years:
1971 - 1985
Reference reactor:
VVER 440-6L

Main characteristics

Primary system pressure (max):16 MPa

Scaling method:P-to-V(Kv)

Time scale:1

Volumetric scale:1/300

Height scale:1

Scaling approaches:


Number of loops:2

Number of single loops:1

Number of combined intact loops:5


Intact loop had a length of about 45 m and a diameter 60.5 mm. The broken loop with a diameter 38.4 mm had a length of about 7 m. The length of the intact loop amounted to 32 m, the diameter 60.5 mm.The broken loop had a length of 16 m and a diameter of 38.4 mm. ;; Intact loop had a U-shaped loop seal with a sinking part of 4.5 m and a rising part of 2.5 m. broken loop was equipped with the same U-shaped loop seal. 38.4 mm had a length of about 7 m

Primary pumps


Intact loop contains main circulation pump, heater and cooler


Number of sim. fuel Rods:7

Diameter:9.1 mm

Pitch:12.75 mm

Heated length:3.45 m

Max power:1 MW


Heating method:Indirect

Axial power distribution:Uniform & Stepwise
