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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ZZ-HILO86 | DLC-0119/01 | Tested | 20-APR-1994 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
DLC-0119/01 | PC-80386 | PC-80486 |
NUMBER OF GROUPS: 66 Neutron, 22 Gamma-Ray
NUCLIDES: H, 10B, 11B, C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, W, Pb.
WEIGHTING SPECTRUM: 1/E used for neutron energies &/ 19.6 MeV
For a variety of applications (accelerator shielding, the use of neutrons in radiotherapy, radiation damage studies, etc.) it is necessary to carry out transport calculations involving medium-energy neutrons. ZZ-HILO86 is a group cross section library with 66 Neutron, 22 Gamma-Ray groups for Neutron Energies up to 400 MeV, in the form needed for the CCC-254/ANISN-ORNL and CCC-484/DORT discrete ordinates codes and for the CCC-474/MORSE-CGA Monte Carlo code.
Below 19.6 MeV, the library consists of data derived from DLC-113/VITAMIN-E (ENDF/B-IV) except for sulfur and lead. Above that energy, differential elastic cross section data have been chosen so that the total, i.e., elastic + nonelastic, cross sections agree with experimental data. The library is P5. Data are provided for: H, 10B, 11B, C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, W, Pb.
On a PC 386, the program BCD2BIN converted the HILO86 BCD data into binary form in about 7 minutes.
H. Kotegawa et al.: Attenuation Data of Point Isotropic Neutron Sources up to 400 MeV in Water, Ordinary Concrete and Iron, JAERI-Data/Code 94-003 (August 1994)
File name | File description | Records |
DLC0119_01.001 | Information file | 105 |
DLC0119_01.002 | BCD to BINARY FORTRAN 77 source program | 48 |
DLC0119_01.003 | Executable program | 0 |
DLC0119_01.004 | IBM mainframe JCL | 19 |
DLC0119_01.005 | Output file (HILO86.OUT) | 108 |
DLC0119_01.006 | Cross sections for neutron energies library | 32385 |
DLC0119_01.007 | DOS file-names | 6 |
Keywords: albedo, coupled neutron gamma cross sections, multigroup, neutron cross sections, photon transport.