The last version is available at the IAEA at https://www-nds.iaea.org/empire/index.html
To submit a request, click below on the link of the version you wish to order. Rules for end-users are available here.
Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
EMPIRE-II 2.18 | IAEA1169/04 | Tested | 20-JUN-2003 |
EMPIRE-II 2.18 | IAEA1169/06 | Tested | 16-SEP-2003 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
IAEA1169/04 | Linux-based PC | Linux-based PC |
IAEA1169/06 | IBM PC | PC Windows |
EMPIRE-II is a flexible code for calculation of nuclear reactions in the frame of combined optical, Multistep Direct (TUL), Multistep Compound (NVWY) and statistical (Hauser-Feshbach) models. Incident particle can be a nucleon or any nucleus(Heavy Ion). Isomer ratios, residue production cross sections and emission spectra for neutrons, protons,alpha-particles, gamma-rays, and one type of Light Ion can be calculated. The energy range starts just above the resonance region for neutron induced reactions and extends up to several hundreds of MeV for the Heavy Ion induced reactions.
For projectiles with A<5 EMPIRE calculates fusion cross section using spherical optical model transmission coefficients. In the case of Heavy Ion induced reactions the fusion cross section can be determined using various approaches including simplified coupled channels method (code CCFUS). Preequilibrium emission is treated in terms of quantum-mechanical theories (TUL-MSD and NVWY-MSC). MSC contribution to the gamma emission is taken into account. These calculations are followed by statistical decay with arbitrary number of subsequent particle emissions.
Gamma-ray competition is considered in detail for every decaying compound nucleus. Different options for level densities are available including dynamical approach with collective effects taken into account.
EMPIRE contains following third party codes converted into subroutines:
SCAT2 by O. Bersillon
ORION + TRISTAN by H. Lenske and H. Wolter
CCFUS by C.H. Dasso and S. Landowne
BARMOM by A. Sierk
The code can be easily adjusted to the problem by changing dimensions in the dimensions.h file. The actual limits are set by the available memory. In the current formulation up to 4 ejectiles plus gamma are allowed. This limit can be relaxed by modification of a few lines in the input.f module. Gammas are not allowed in the incident channel. Angular distributions are calculated for the MSD part of the cross section. For the remaining mechanisms isotropy is assumed in the center-of-mass (c.m.) system. MSD can only be calculated for the inelastic scattering (not for the charge exchange reactions). No multiple preequilibrium is included. The preequilibrium emission of clusters is not considered.
spin dependent nuclear deformation affecting level densities and GDR shape,
spin dependent fission barriers,
cumulative plots of discrete levels,
automatic retrieval of experimental data from the EXFOR library,
ENDF-VI formatting,
plots comparing calculated and experimental (EXFOR) cross sections,
graphic user interface in Tcl/Tk.
EMPEND: Operates on the output of EMPIRE code to produce ENDF-VI-formatted cross section records (by A. Trkov).
X4TOC4: converts retrieved EXFOR entries into computational format (by R. Cullen).
PLOTC4: plots comparison between calculated and experimental data.
orsi.liv: Nuclear level energies, spins, parities, and gamma-ray branching ratios.
nix-moller-audi.dat: ground-state masses, deformations and shell corrections,
ldp.dat: level density parameters, neutron resonance spacing (Dobs),
nparac.dat: level density parameters from the analysis of shell model single-particle spacings
Package ID | Status date | Status |
IAEA1169/04 | 20-JUN-2003 | Tested at NEADB |
IAEA1169/06 | 16-SEP-2003 | Tested at NEADB |
M. Herman, R. Capote, B.V. Carlson, P. Oblozinsky, M. Sin, A. Trkov, H. Wienke and V. Zerkin, "EMPIRE: Nuclear Reaction Model Code System for Data Evaluation", Nuclear Data Sheets, Vol. 108, December 2007, Pages 2655-2715.
M. Herman, "EMPIRE-II statistical model code for nuclear reaction calculations" in Proceedings of the "Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors: Physics, Design and Safety" 13 March - 14 April 2000, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, to be published.
Package ID | Computer language |
IAEA1169/04 | FORTRAN-77 |
IAEA1169/06 | FORTRAN-77 |
The current version of the package runs under Linux Red Hat 6.1 using g77 compiler. The full functionality requires: FORTRAN-77 or -90 compiler, C compiler (if not integrated with the FORTRAN compiler), gnuplot, grep, awk (or gawk), bash shell, and Tcl/Tk. All of these can be obtained free of charge for practically any operating system (except of the bash shell available for UNIX only). Basic calculations should be possible on any operating system on which standard FORTRAN77 compiler is available.
LINUX version (IAEA1169/04) developed by:
Michal Wladyslaw HERMAN
Nuclear Data Section – IAEA
Wagramerstrasse 5
P.O. Box 100
A-1400 VIENNA, Austria
DOS version (IAEA1169/06), generated from the Linux version by:
Gian Carlo PANINI
for the NEA Data Bank
12, Boulevard des Iles
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France
Keywords: Hauser-Feshbach theory, compound nuclei, cross sections, decay spectra, emission spectra, gamma spectra, nuclear reactions, optical models.