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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ZZ-PNESD | IAEA1235/01 | Tested | 10-MAR-1992 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
IAEA1235/01 | IBM 370 series | PC-80386 |
File name | File description | Records |
IAEA1235_01.001 | Information file | 56 |
IAEA1235_01.002 | DATA.DAT x-section library | 9884 |
IAEA1235_01.003 | INDEX.DAT Data index file | 344 |
IAEA1235_01.004 | REF.DAT Bibliographic reference file | 216 |
IAEA1235_01.005 | LISTDA.FOR list prog. FOR DATA.DAT (FORTRAN) | 148 |
IAEA1235_01.006 | LISTDA.EXE executable program | 236 |
IAEA1235_01.007 | DATA.OUT list generated with LISTDA | 16702 |
IAEA1235_01.008 | LISTDA.BAT Proc. to compile & go LISTDA | 5 |
IAEA1235_01.009 | LISTAD.FOR List prog for INDEX.DAT (FORTRAN) | 110 |
IAEA1235_01.010 | LISTAD.EXE executable program | 231 |
IAEA1235_01.011 | INDEX.OUT Index list generated by LISTAD | 1316 |
IAEA1235_01.012 | LISTAD.BAT Proc. to compile & go LISTAD | 5 |
IAEA1235_01.013 | LISTRE.FOR Prog. to generate references | 37 |
IAEA1235_01.014 | LISTRE.EXE executable program | 218 |
IAEA1235_01.015 | REF.OUT Reference list printout | 348 |
IAEA1235_01.016 | REF.BAT Proc. to compile & go LISTRE | 5 |
IAEA1235_01.017 | DOS file-names | 16 |
Keywords: cross sections, elastic scattering, high-energy reactions, protons.