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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
KORIGEN | NEA-1001/04 | Arrived | 28-JUL-2023 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1001/04 | Linux-based PC |
KORIGEN calculates the nuclear inventory - isotope and/or element concentrations, radioactivities, heat, radiation - of nuclear fission reactor fuels and wastes, including (alpha,n)-neutrons in vitrified high-active waste, from given initial compositions, irradiation history and decay times.
KORIGEN is an extension of the Oak Ridge Isotope Generation and Depletion Code ORIGEN. The KORIGEN cross section libraries for Light-Water Reactors (LWR) include the LWR libraries of ORIGEN-2. The burnup-dependent actinide cross sections and burnup averaged cross sections for typical German PWRs are generated with the Karlsruhe cell-burnup code KARBUS, a coupling of the UK spectral code WIMS and parts of ORIGEN.
Keywords: burnup, decay heat, inventories, isotopes, nuclear fuels.