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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
ART MOD2 | NEA-1581/02 | Arrived | 12-FEB-2015 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1581/02 | FACOM M-780,SUN |
ART MOD2 aims at a comprehensive analysis for the FP behaviour in primary system and in containment during severe accidents and therefore the code considers the removal of radionuclides of up to 60 materials including chemical compounds by natural deposition and by the engineered safety features (ESF) such as spray systems. As for the natural deposition of radionuclides, the code can consider the phenomena such as gravitational settling, thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis, Brownian diffusion, diffusion under laminar or turbulent flows, resuspension, condensation, chemisorption and revaporization. The code also models the aerosol growth by agglomeration of aerosols and condensation/ evaporation of volatile material at the aerosol surface. Recently, the models for iodine chemistry in containment sump water was incorporated.
ART MOD2 was modified in January 2015 to correct coding errors and improve the vibration of the calculation result of water (H2O) vapor.
ART Mod2 has a fast running capability to cover various accident sequences in a Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA). Since the code is a module of JAERI's integrated severe accident analysis code, THALES-2, the improvement of ART can be directly reflected on the source term analysis with THALES-2.
Ishigami, T. et. al.:
User's Manual of ART Code for Analyzing FP Transport Behaviour During Core Meltdown Accident.
JAERI-M 88-093 (1988) (in Japanese)
Kajimoto, M., et. al.:
The Validation of the ART Code Through Comparison with NSPP Experiments in the Steam-Air Atmosphere.
NEA/CEC/CEA CSNI Workshop on Aerosol Behaviour and Thermal Hydraulics in Containment, Fontenay-aux-Roses, 145 (1990)
Kajimoto, M., et. al.:
Development of THALES-2, A Computer Code for Coupled Thermal-Hydraulics and FP Transport Analyses for Severe Accident at LWRs and Its Application to Analysis of FP Revaporization Phenomena.
Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Safety of Thermal Reactors, Portland, pp. 584-592 (1991)
Hidaka, A. et. al.:
Experimental Analysis with ART Code on FP Behaviour Under Severe Accident Conditions.
Proceedings of Validation of Systems Transient Analysis Codes, FED, Volume 223, pp. 99-106, ASME (1995)
Hidaka, A., et. al.:
Comparative Study of FP Deposition in WIND Project Piping by ART and VICTORIA.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment Methodology and Applications, Korea (PSA '95), pp. 241-246 (1995)
Hidaka, A., et. al.:
Experimental Analysis of Aerosol Behaviors in Primary Piping With ART Code During Severe Accident.
Proceedings of the International Conference for Heat and Mass Transfer, pp. 577-587 (1996)
Hidaka, A. et. al.:
Experimental Analyses of Iodine Behavior Under Severe Accident Conditions with ART.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 248, pp. 226-232 (1997)
Keywords: accidents, aerosols, containment systems, iodine, radionuclide migration.