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IFPE/CEA-DEFECT FUEL, Experiments Irradiated at CEA Grenoble

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Program name Package id Status Status date
IFPE/EDITH MOX01 NEA-1615/10 Arrived 06-JUN-2000
IFPE/CEA-DEFECTFUEL NEA-1615/11 Arrived 16-JAN-2023

Machines used:

Package ID Orig. computer Test computer
NEA-1615/10 Many Computers
NEA-1615/11 Many Computers
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The release of fission products from irradiated UO2 into the fuel-clad gap of a sound rod has been studied extensively, both theoretically and experimentally. By contrast very little is known about the behaviour within a defective rod, where the pressure of water or steam in the gap may modify the processes of release from the fuel, through the defect, to the coolant.


A series of loop experiments have been performed on short fuel rods by CEA in France with the aim of measuring and interpreting the release rate of fission gases and iodine under a range of experimental conditions of linear power, defect type, gap dimensions etc. The results from these experiments, which cover steady state and transient power operation on new and pre-irradiated fuel, provide invaluable data for modelling the escape of fission products from defective fuel rods. In a commercial reactor, such modelling is important for assessing the occurrence and characteristics of defective fuel from analysis of coolant activity. Knowledge of the presence of defective fuel can eliminate the need for premature shut down of the reactor and an also minimizes outage time, thus improving the safety and economics of power generation. The experiments were all performed in the Siloe reactor in one of two water loops called Bouffon and Jet Pompe.


The Bouffon loop consists of two vertical tubes connected at both ends to form a continuous circuit for pressurised water. The experimental fuel rod is situated in the bottom of one tube below a heater, which provides an up current of water, and hence by thermosyphoning, a flow of cooling water over the experimental fuel rod.


The Jet Pompe loop comprises two co-axial vertical tubes. The experimental fuel rod is situated in the inner tube and coolant flow over it is provided by a steam injector pump at the bottom of the same tube. The steam at 400 C and 35 bars is obtained from a steam generator installed elsewhere in the rig.


The CEA Defect Fuel experiments are CYFON 1, CYFON 2, EDITH 1, EDITH 2, EDITH 5, CRUSIFON 1BIS, CRUSIFON 2, CRUSIFON 5 and EDITH MOX 01.

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Package ID Status date Status
NEA-1615/10 06-JUN-2000 Masterfiled restricted
NEA-1615/11 16-JAN-2023 Masterfiled restricted
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NEA-1615/10, included references:
- D. Parrat and C. Baud: Resultats de l'Irradiation EDITHMOX 1 (Part I: Text
and Tables), Compte-rendu DTP/SECC No.41/93 (28 fevrier 1994) (17a).
- D. Parrat and C. Baud: Resultats de l'Irradiation EDITHMOX 1 (Part II:
Figures), Compte-rendu DTP/SECC No.41/93 (28 fevrier 1994) (17b).
- G. Eminet, D. Venet and Ph. Dehaudt: EDITHMOX 01: Examen Ceramographique
apres Attaque Chimique (18), Note Technique DTP/SECC No.95-14-A.
- D. Parrat and J.P. Leveque: Examens Post-Irradiatoires: Analyse des Resultats
des Scrutations Gamma de Section EDITHMOX 1, Note Technique NT SECC 76/92
(24/12/92) (19).
NEA-1615/11, included references:
- P. Chenebault, G. Kurka, A. Harrer, G. Lasne and M. Vivier: Emission de
Produits de Fission par un Crayon Presentant une fuite de Conductance Elevee en
Partie Haute et Soumis a Cyclage de Puissance, Experience CYFON 1, Compte-Rendu
DMG No.103/77 (Fiche d'Action 4112) 30 Novembre 1977.
- Y. Kauffmann, Y. Barbier and M. Brun: Examens apres Irradiation de CYFON 1,
Compte-Rendu DMG No.104/77 (Fiche d'Action 4112) 30 Novembre 1977.
- Analyse et Synthese de l'Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temperatures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
- P. Chenebault, G. Kurka, A. Harrer, G. Lasne and M. Vivier: Emission de
Produits de Fission par un Crayon Presentant une fuite de Conductance Elevee en
Partie Haute et Soumis a Cyclage de Puissance, Experience CYFON 2, Compte-Rendu
DMG No.19/78 (Fiche d'Action 4112) 8 fevrier 1978.
- Analyse et Synthese de l Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temperatures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
- A. Harrer, Y. Kauffmann, G. Kurka, G. Lasne, M. Vivier and M. Brun: Emission
de Produits de Fission a Differents Niveaux de Puissance par un Crayon
Presentant une Fuite de Conductance Elevee en Partie Haute, Experience EDITH
01, Compte-Rendu DMG No.58/79 (Fiche d'Action 4112) 23 avril 1979.
- Analyse et Synthese de l'Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temperatures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
- R. Warlop, M. Vivier and G. Antelme: Resultats de l'Experience EDITH 2
(Dossier No.4), Compte-Rendu DMG No.30/81 (Fiche d'Action 4172-60) 23 avril
- R. Warlop: Examen apres Irradiation de EDITH 2 (Dossier No.5), Compte-Rendu
DMG No.18/84 (22 mars 1984).
- Analyse et Synthese de l'Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temperatures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
- R. Warlop, M. Vivier and G. Antelme: Resultats de l'Experience EDITH 5
(Dossier No.4), Compte-Rendu DMG No.29/85 (Action 4172.60) 2 mai 1985.
- Analyse et Synthese de l'Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temeratures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
- A. Harrer, G. Kurka, R. Warlop, G. Lasne and M. Vivier: Resultats de
l'Experience CRUSIFON 1 bis (dossier No.4), Compte-Rendu DMG No.40/81 (Action
4172-60) 19 mai 1981.
- Y. Kauffmann: CRUSIFON 1 bis - Examens apres Irradiation, Compte-Rendu DMG
No.80/95 (Action 4172-70) 26 aout 1980.
- Analyse et Synthese de l'Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temperatures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
- A. Harrer, G. Kurka, R. Warlop, G. Lasne and M. Vivier: Resultats de
l'Experience CRUSIFON 2, Compte-Rendu DMG No.61/80 (Action 4172-60) 22 mai 1980.
- Y. Kauffmann and M. Brun: Resultats apres Irradiation de CRUSIFON 2,
Compte-Rendu DMG No.73/78 (Action 4112) 26 juin 1978.
- Analyse et Synthese de l'Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temperatures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
- R. Warlop, Y. Kauffmann, A. Gueguen, M. Brun, M. Vivier, G. Antelme:
Resultats de l'Experience CRUSIFON 5 (dossier No.4), Compte-Rendu DMG No.46/82
(Action 4172-60) 14 juin 1982, Examens Post Irradiatoires du Crayon CRUSIFON 5,
(dossier No.5).
- Analyse et Synthese de l'Experience Etalonnage Bouffon, Bouffon Loop
Temperatures, Note Technique SEDTI 90/NT/6395 (15/06/90).
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No specified programming language
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Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble

B.P. 85

38041 Grenoble Cedex



Compilation: J.A. Turnbull

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ED-MOX1.DAT           Data for EDITHMOX 1
CEA-DFT.*             Description of experiments
QA Report for CENG Defect fuel experiments
READ.ME               Readme file

CYFON-1.DAT     Data for CYFON 1
CYFON-2.DAT     Data for CYFON 2
EDITH-1.DAT     Data for EDITH 1
EDITH-2.DAT     Data for EDITH 2
EDITH-5.DAT     Data for EDITH 5
CRUS-1B.DAT     Data for CRUSIFON 1bis
CRUS-2.DAT      Data for CRUSIFON 2
CRUS-5.DAT      Data for CRUSIFON 5
CEA-DFT.doc     Description and overview of the experiment
CEA-DFT.SUM     Description and overview of the experiment
QA REPORT.PDF   QA Report for CENG Defect Fuel Experiments
READ.ME         Readme file
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  • Y. Integral Experiments Data, Databases, Benchmarks

Keywords: experimental data, fission gas release, fuel pellets, fuel rods, irradiation.