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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
CARL 2.3 | NEA-1735/05 | Arrived | 29-JAN-2008 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1735/05 | PC Windows |
The CARL (Calculation of Radiotoxicities Lifetime) Code was originally developed in 2003 for master degree thesis purposes in MathCad environment. It originally calculated the radiotoxic (ingestion) inventory evolution vs. time of a given radionuclide composition. It was developed in order to perform the complex calculations regarding the nuclear spent fuel hazard vs. time (it was assumed that water could, in a remote future, corrode casks and transport radionuclides to biosphere). It is well known in fact that the danger coming from nuclear waste over time decreases continuously due to radioactive decay.
Version 2.1 of the code was developed in Matlab environment (Matlab 6.5 - release 13 or higher required), and was strongly enhanced: it performs in addition to radiotoxicity, also activity, dose and decay power calculations. It displays also the 'Gamma Spectrum', a 3-D plot indicating the activity of gamma rays vs. time and radiation energy. Code's input can be given manually (in grams for every nuclide), or by file (MCB-1C, MONTEBURNS-1.0 output file or CARL input file).
The version 2.2 of the code presents the additional features: it includes U232 isotope (very useful in thorium fuel cycles calculations) and common nuclear reactors activation materials (Cr51, Mn56, Fe59, Co60, Ni65, Cu64, Zn65, Zn69, Zr95, Mo99, Ta182, W187), and displays also two additional plots indicating the equivalent gamma dose rate (in mSv/h) vs. time (the distance considered, in meters, is assigned in input), both in air and in concrete/rock; moreover it displays the masses (in grams) in the text output file of all the radionuclides at the various logarithmically spaced time points.
The last release of the code (2.3 version) includes some more radionuclides in the database, mainly utilized in nuclear applications different from energy production: Na-24, Ca-45, B-r82, Ba-140, Ir-192, Po-218, Ra-226, Ra-228. Moreover it was designed in order to allow radiation shielding calculations: the gamma spectrum was improved and a new plot indicating the activity x energy vs. time was added (in order to determine the most dangerous gamma emission spectrum over time).
The code was tested successfully in MATLAB 6.5, 7.0 and 7.1 environments: exceptionally with 7.0 and 7.1 versions it could jam when are considered single radioisotopes with short half lives compared to the time interval spanned (i.e.: when the calculated quantities become lower than 10E-100).
"Nuclear Reactor Engineering", Samuel Glasstone, Alexander Sesonske - Fourth Edition - Chapmann > Hall
"Introductory Nuclear Physics" - Kenneth S. Krane - Wiley – 1988
IAEA23.xls -
"Nuclides and Isotopes - Chart of the Nuclides" - Fifteen Edition - Lockheed Martin, GE Nuclear Energy – 1996
Radiation Decay, version 4 - Freeware Software by Charles Hacker - 29 September 2005
Keywords: decay, doses, radiotoxicity.