JASMINE is a code developed to describe the fission reactor Fuel Coolant Interaction it stays for JAEA Simulator for Multiphase Interactions and Explosions. Two processes are treated: the premixing (molten fuel and coolant) and the explosion with different behavior and time scale.
JASMINE consists of two separate models: a molten core behavior model and a multiphase flow model. For the explosion an additional component is attached for the fragments treatment.
The domain considered is a cylindrical sector (r-z) with azimuthal angle tetha, with melt jet, melt pool , two phase premixing of the coolant, and fragments treatment in the explosion.
The molten model called MELT uses one dimensional conservation equations in z direction for the melt jet. The same is done in radial direction for the melt pool.
Particles formed during melting and heat exchange are treated by Lagrangian with energy and motion conservation. The multiphase flow model is an extension of the ACE3D code.
Hydrodynamic drag is included.
In case of explosion a special treatment is done considering heat transfer and conservation laws.
Coupling of melt and two-phase models is made.
The methods applied to solve equations on a 3-D grid mesh are the cubic-interpolated pseudo particle and the finite difference method.