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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
INES-CLASS | NEA-1904/01 | Tested | 21-FEB-2019 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
NEA-1904/01 | PC Windows | PC Windows |
INES Classifier 1.00 is intended to express assessment of events significance that have occurred at a nuclear facility. It allows to:
Automate the process of assessing the level of events significance that are possible or occurred at a nuclear facility in accordance with INES (2008 edition);
Reduce the likelihood of errors caused by human factors and increase the efficiency of the assessments;
Automatically generate reports containing brief information about the criteria that are used to estimate the level of significance of the event according to the INES.
The report which is made by INES Classifier 1.00 contains:
Name of the nuclear facility;
Criteria according to which the event was evaluated according to the INES scale;
Interim assessments of events in each of the categories provided for by the INES;
The final assessment of the original event according to the INES.
S. Makovskiy, A. Kuryndin, A. Kirkin, D. Sorokin: “Development of Problem Oriented Computer Programs for Technical and Scientific Support of Regulatory Body in the Field of Safety Handling of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Emergency Response”, Proc. Of 27th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2018), Portoroz, Slovenia, September 10-13, 2018.
A. Kuryndin, A. Kirkin, A. Shapovalov, D. Sorokin: “The software implementation of the method of determining the level of nuclear and radiological events in the INES scale”, V International Scientific and Technical Conference “Innovative designs and technologies of nuclear power” (V ISTC NIKIET – 2018), Moscow, Russia, October 2-5, 2018.
Keywords: INES classification, accident analysis, accidents, emergency plan, human aspects, incidents, radiation effects, radiation protection, severe accident.