nea-1072 |
ACFA, Isotope Activation of Coolant and Structure Materials |
iaea1274 |
AIREKMOD-RR, Reactivity Transients in Nuclear Research Reactors |
nea-1130 |
AIRGAMMA, External Gamma-Ray Exposure from Radioactive Cloud |
uscd0795 |
AMRAW, Risk Assessment Method for Radioactive Waste Management |
ests1169 |
ARCON96, Radioactive Plume Concentration in Reactor Control Rooms |
nea-1581 |
ART MOD2, Fission Product Migration in Primary System and Containment |
ccc-0417 |
AT123D, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D Transient Waste Transport Simulation in Groundwater |
ccc-0179 |
ATR, Radiation Transport Models in Atmosphere at Various Altitudes |
nea-1819 |
BURD, Bayesian estimation in data analysis of Probabilistic Safety Assessment |
nea-0114 |
BURST, Time-Dependent Pressure and Coolant Flow after Circuit Fracture in HTGR |
nesc1080 |
BWR-GALE, Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Waste Release from BWR |
nea-1313 |
BWRDYN, Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of a BWR Plant |
ccc-0594 |
CALKUX, Exposure Transmission of Medical X-Ray Beams Through Barrier Materials |
ccc-0542 |
CAP-88, Dose Risk Assessment from Air Emissions of Radionuclides |
nea-1735 |
CARL 2.3, radiotoxicity, activity, dose and decay power calculations for spent fuel |
nesc9978 |
COBRA-3C/RERTR, Thermohydraulic Low Pressure Subchannel Transients Analysis |
nesc0432 |
COBRA-4I, Transient Thermohydraulics Fuel Elements Clusters, Subchannel Analysis Method |
ests0023 |
COMPBRN3, Modelling of Nuclear Power Plant Compartment Fires |
ccc-0416 |
CONDOS-II, Radiation Dose from Consumer Product Distribution Chain |
nesc0818 |
CONTEMPT-4/MOD5&6, LWR Containment Long-Term Pressure Distribution and Temperature Distribution in LOCA |
nesc0433 |
CONTEMPT-LT/028B & H, LWR Containment Pressure and Temperature Distribution in LOCA |
nea-1734 |
CRISSUE-S, Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Coupling in LWR Technology |
nea-1535 |
D2O, Computation of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Heavy Water |
ccc-0454 |
DISPERS, Radioactive Release into Surface Water and Ground Water |
ccc-0624 |
DOSE-SGTR, Iodine Release During Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) in PWR |
nesc0784 |
DSNP, Program and Data Library System for Dynamic Simulation of Nuclear Power Plant |
ccc-0634 |
DUST-BNL, Radioactive Waste Transport from Container Leaks into Ground Water |
psr-0191 |
EDISTR, Nuclear Data Base Generator for Internal Radiation Dosimetry Calculation |
nea-0228 |
EXCURS-3, Reactor Kinetics and Heat Transfer in Cylindrical Channel During Accident |
iaea1273 |
EXCURS-3-RR, Kinetics of Research Reactor Reactivity Transient Analysis |
nesc1095 |
FASTGRASS, Gaseous Fission Products Release in UO2 Fuel |
nea-1916 |
FINPSA TRAINING -R-, a PSA model in consisting of event trees, fault trees, and cut sets |
nesc1092 |
FIRAC, Nuclear Power Plant Fire Accident Model |
nea-0669 |
FONTA, Radiation Release in Atmosphere and Deposition in Human Organs |
nesc0658 |
FRAP-T6/MOD1, Temperature and Pressure in Oxide Fuel During LWR LOCA |
nesc0694 |
FRAPCON2 & V1M4, Steady-State LWR Oxide Fuel Elements Behaviour, Fission Products Gas Release, Error Analysis |
nesc9659 |
FTAP, Minimal Cut Sets of Arbitrary Fault Trees |
nea-1601 |
GARDEC, Estimation of dose-rates reduction by garden decontamination |
ccc-0463 |
GASPAR-II, Radiation Exposure to Man from Air Releases of Reactor Effluents |
ccc-0737 |
GENII 2.10, Environmental Radiation Dosimetry System |
ccc-0601 |
GENII-LIN, Multipurpose Health Physics Code |
ccc-0774 |
GRSAC, Graphite Reactor Severe Accident Code |
ccc-0721 |
GRTUNCL3D, Code to Calculate Semi Analytic First Collision Source and Uncollided Flux (X, Y, Z) |
nesc0797 |
HAARM-S, Time-Dependent Diffusion and Deposition of Radioactive Aerosols, LMFBR Accidents |
ccc-0665 |
HABIT 1.1, Toxic and radioactive release hazards in reactor control room |
ests1100 |
HABIT, Toxic and Radioactive Release Hazards in Reactor Control Room |
ests0545 |
HGSYSTEM, Atmospheric Dispersion for Ideal Gases and Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) |
ccc-0644 |
HOTSPOT 3.0.1, Health Physics Code System for Evaluating Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials |
ests0005 |
IMPACTS-BRC2.1, General Radiological Impacts Analysis |
iaea1378 |
INDOSE V2.1.1, Internal Dosimetry Code Using Biokinetics Models |
nea-1904 |
INES-CLASS, assessment of accidents significance occurred at nuclear facilities |
psr-0313 |
INFLTB, Dosimetric Mass Energy Transfer and Absorption Coefficient |
iaea0886 |
INTERTRAN-I & II, Radiation Exposure from Vehicle Transport of Radioactive Material |
nea-1838 |
JASMINE V.3, Steam explosion simulation |
psr-0306 |
KAOS-V, Neutron Fluence to Kerma Factor Evaluation from ENDF/B-5 and JENDL-2 |
nea-1865 |
KICHE 1.3, Kinetics of Iodine Chemistry in the Containment of LWRs under Severe Accident Conditions |
psr-0277 |
LEPRICON, PWR Vessel Dose Analysis with DORT and ANISN Program |
psr-0233 |
LSL-M2, Neutron Spectra Log Adjustment for Dosimetry Applications |
nea-1047 |
MANYCASK, Radiation Dose Rate Around Many Casks |
ccc-0503 |
MARINRAD, Health Hazard from Radioactive Material Release into Ocean |
nea-1889 |
MEGA, Mechanistic and Engineering Fission Gas Release Model for a Uranium Dioxide Fuel |
ests0331 |
MESORAD1.4, Emergency Response Airborne Dose Assessment |
nea-1534 |
MESYST, Simulation of 3-D Tracer Dispersion in Atmosphere |
nesc9460 |
MILDOS-AREA, Radiological Impact of Airborne U238 from Mining and Milling |
nea-0853 |
NAUA-MOD5, Aerosols in Reactor Containment During Meltdown |
ccc-0684 |
NRCDOSE 2.3.20, Evaluation of Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants |
ccc-0768 |
NRCDOSE72 1.2.3, Evaluation of Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with Windows Interface |
nea-1249 |
ORION-II, Concentration and Dose from Radioactive Release into Atmosphere |
psr-0516 |
PARET-ANL, Code System to Predict Consequences of Nondestructive Accidents in Research and Test Reactor Cores |
nea-1680 |
PASCAL, Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Structural Components in Aging LWR |
ccc-0445 |
PAVAN, Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Power Plants |
ests0071 |
PC-PRAISE, BWR Piping Reliability Analysis |
ests0764 |
PCDOSE, Radioactive Dose Assessment and NRC Verification |
nea-1612 |
PIN99W, Modelling of VVER and PWR Fuel Rod Thermomechanical Behaviour |
nea-0493 |
PLUDOS, Ground Level Gamma Dose from Radioactive Release at Various Heights |
iaea1174 |
PSAPACK, Probabilistic Safety Analysis with Fault Event Trees |
nesc0155 |
PTH-1, Pressure and Temperature in Containment after Blowdown of H2O Coolant System |
nesc1081 |
PWR-GALE, Radioactive Gaseous Release and Liquid Release from PWR |
ccc-0617 |
QBF, Radiation Dose Distribution Around Spent Fuel Shipping Casks |
nea-1600 |
QUARK, 2-Group 3-D Neutronic Kinetics Coupled to Core Thermalhydraulics |
ests0062 |
RABFIN PARTS, Noble Gas, Iodine, Particulate Gaseous Effluent Dose Parameters |
ccc-0800 |
RADTRAD 3.03, Model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal and Dose Estimation |
ccc-0783 |
RASCAL 4.3, Radiological Assessment Systems for Consequence AnaLysis |
ccc-0632 |
RBD, Doses from Radionuclide Inhalation, Ingestion, Wound Uptake from Bioassays |
nesc0369 |
RELAP-4, Transient 2 Phase Flow Thermohydraulics, LWR LOCA and Reflood |
nea-0437 |
RELAP-UK, Thermohydraulic Transients and Steady-State of LWR |
nesc0917 |
RELAP5/MOD1/029, Transient 2 Phase Flow Thermohydraulics, LWR LOCA Accidents |
ccc-0786 |
RESRAD 6.5, Residual Radioactive Material Guideline Implementation |
nea-1825 |
RIMACS, Reactor Inspection Main Control System |
ccc-0623 |
RISKIND, Radiological Risk Assessment for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation |
ests0608 |
RSAC-6, Gamma doses, inhalation and ingestion doses, fission products inventory after fission products release |
ccc-0761 |
RSAC-7.2, Gamma doses, inhalation and ingestion doses, fission products inventory after fission products release |
nesc0674 |
SAFTAC, Monte-Carlo Fault Tree Simulation for System Design Performance and Optimization |
nea-1898 |
SAUNA V1.1, Severe Accident UNcertainty Analysis |
nea-1755 |
SCIP V1.1, Radioactive Surface Contamination Investigation Program |
nea-0865 |
SCRIMP, Steady-State Thermohydraulics of HTGR Subchannel |
ccc-0620 |
SEECAL-2.0, Specific Effective Energy in Human Body Due to Radiation |
ccc-0646 |
SKYSHINE-KSU, Gamma Skyshine Doses by Integral Line-Beam Method |
ccc-0289 |
SKYSHINE2&3-SKYIII-PC, Dose Rate Outside Concrete Steel Building from 6 MeV Gamma by Monte-Carlo |
ccc-0704 |
SLIDERULE 1.0,Slide Rule for direct radiation exposure approximation in criticality accidents |
nea-1046 |
SMART, Radiation Dose Rates on Cask Surface |
nesc0559 |
SOFIRE-2, Containment Temperature and Pressure During Na Pool Fire, 1-Cell or 2-Cell Analysis |
nea-1911 |
SOPHIA, a Lagrangian-based CFD code for nuclear thermal-hydraulics and safety applications. |
nea-1165 |
SPEEDI & EXPRESS, Radiation Dose from Plume Release in Nuclear Accident |
nesc0716 |
SPRAY-3, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer of Na Sprays in LMFBR after Pipe Failure |
psr-0533 |
SQUIRT 1.1, predicts leakage rate and crack area for cracked pipes in nuclear power plants |
nea-0684 |
SSYST-3, Modular System for Transient Fuel Rod Behaviour Under Accident Condition |
nea-0594 |
SYNTH-C, Steady-State and Time-Dependent 3-D Neutron Diffusion with Thermohydraulic Feedback |
nesc1113 |
TACT-5, Doses of Radioactivity Release from Reactor Core into Environment |
nea-0774 |
THALES, Thermohydraulic LOCA Analysis of BWR and PWR |
nesc9710 |
TOXRISK, Toxic Gas Release Accident Analysis |
nesc0836 |
TRAC-PF1, Thermohydraulics, Reactor Kinetics, 2 Phase Flow LOCA Analysis |
nea-1593 |
TRAC-PF1/EN MOD 3, Best Estimate Coupled 3-D Neutronics-Thermalhydraulics |
iaea1337 |
TRISTAN-IJS, Steady-State Axial Temperature and Flow Velocity in Triga Channel |
ccc-0781 |
VARSKIN 4 V4.0.0, Dose Calculation for Skin Contamination, with Sadde Input Generator |
nesc1115 |
VISA-2, Reactor Vessel Failure Probability Under Thermal Shock |
iaea0871 |
VPI-NECM, Nuclear Engineering Program Collection for College Training |
nesc0278 |
WHAM-6, Pressure and Velocity Transients in Fluid Pipes, Wave Superposition Method |
ccc-0847 |
XOQGAM, Methodology and Software Routines for Computation of Gamma Radiation Exposures from Finite-cloud Gaussian Plumes |
nea-1251 |
ZYLIND, Gamma Penetration for Cylindrical Source and Shield Geometry |
iaea0867 |
ZZ IRDF, Cross-Section Library and Spectra for Dosimetry Calculation in ENDF-5, ENDF-6 and ACE Formats |