Computer Programs
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Catalog of Programs in Category L

L. Data Preparation

nea-1732 3D-TRANS-2003, Workshop on Common Tools and Interfaces for Radiation Transport Codes
nea-1708 ADEFTA 4.1, Atomic Densities for Transport Analysis
ccc-0831 ADVANTG 3.0.3, AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator
ccc-0854 ADVANTG 3.2.1, AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator without ORNL-TN
nea-1678 BOT3P5.4, 3D Mesh Generator and Graphical Display of Geometry for Radiation Transport Codes, Display of Results
nea-1711 DORTDAT2, Input-Making Support System for a Two-Dimensional SN Code, DORT
iaea1402 ENDVER/GUI, The ENDF File Verification Support Package
nea-1760 JANIS 4.0, a Java-based nuclear data display program
nea-1859 MCUNED, MCNPX Extension for Using light Ion Evaluated Nuclear Data library
psr-0365 MOCUP, MCNP/ORIGEN Coupling Utility Programs
iaea1349 MSM-SOURCE, Neutron Source Generator for MCNP from Proton Neutron Interaction
psr-0616 NucWiz, set up and run Monte Carlo calculations
iaea1379 PREPRO2021, Data Preparation and Management, Subsidiary Calculations (ENDF Format)
nea-1679 PVIS-4, Pressure vessel irradiation, source preparation
psr-0352 SCAMPI, Problem Dependent Library Preprocessing in AMPX Format
iaea1416 SIGACE, Code for Doppler broadening of ACE-formatted files
uscd1240 VIM_NC, VIM color syntax for Nuclear Codes: NJOY, DRAGON, PARTISN, TORT, MONK, and MCNP
nea-1882 XSUN-2023, Windows interface environment for transport and sensitivity-uncertainty software TRANSX-2, PARTISN and SUSD3D