iaea0960 |
ACTIV-JINR, Experimental Gamma Spectra Unfolding |
nea-0403 |
AMARA, Correlation of Nuclear Data to Integral Experiment by Lagrange Multipliers |
ccc-0233 |
CRYSTAL-BALL, Neutron Spectra Calculation from Activation Experiment with Error Estimate |
nea-0694 |
DANTE, Activation Analysis Neutron Spectra Unfolding by Covariance Matrix Method |
iaea1269 |
DIFBAS, Spectra Unfolding of Ne213 P Recoil Detectors |
psr-0102 |
FERDO/FERD, Unfolding of Pulse-Height Spectrometer Spectra |
psr-0196 |
FLYSPEC, Neutron Spectra Unfolding from Ne213 and Stilbene Scintillation Detectors |
psr-0092 |
FORIST, Ne-213 Scintillation Detector Neutron Spectra Unfolding |
psr-0610 |
GADRAS-DRF-18.8.13, Gamma Detector Response and Analysis Software-Detector Response Function |
nesc9654 |
GAMANAL, Radioactive Species Mixtures by Gamma Spectra Analysis |
nesc0622 |
GAUSS-6, Experimental Gamma Spectra Analysis, Isotope Identification, Decay Rates |
nea-1899 |
GRUCON-D-2017-01, Data Processing for Evaluated Working libraries (transport and shielding) |
nea-1666 |
HEPROW, Unfolding of pulse height spectra using Bayes theorem and maximum entropy method |
iaea0940 |
JADSPE, Multi-Channel Gamma Spectra Unfolding Program |
nea-0192 |
LAZY, General Experimental Data Processing Program |
nea-1026 |
LOUHI82, Generator Spectra Unfolding Program with Linear and Nonlinear Regularization |
psr-0542 |
MGA8, Determine Pu Isotope Abundances from Multichannel Analyzer Gamma Spectra |
psr-0085 |
NAISAP, Theory and Use of Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis Codes for NaI(Tl) Detectors. |
nea-0823 |
NEUPAC, Experimental Neutron Spectra Unfolding with Sensitivities |
nea-0700 |
NRESP4, Organic Scintillation Detector Response to Monoenergetic Fast Neutron |
nea-0914 |
REFIT-2009, Multilevel Resonance Parameter Least Square Fit of N Transmission, Capture, Fission & Self Indication Data |
nesc9580 |
RICKI, Interactive Gamma Spectra Unfolding with Isotope Identification |
nea-1884 |
SACALC-ELLIPSOID, Calculates the average solid angle subtended by a ellipsoid solid or surface |
nea-1688 |
SACALC3, Calculates the average solid angle subtended by a volume |
psr-0158 |
SAMMY 8.1.0, Multilevel R-Matrix Fits to Neutron and Charged-Particle Cross-Section Data Using Bayes' Equations |
nea-0691 |
SAMPO80, Ge(Li) Detector Gamma Spectra Unfolding with Isotope Identification |
ccc-0112 |
SAND-II, Neutron Flux Spectra from Multiple Foil Activation Experiment |
psr-0267 |
SCINFUL, Scintillation Neutron Detector Response by Monte-Carlo |
nea-0654 |
SELFS-3, Self-Shielding Correlation of Foil Activation Neutron Spectra Analysis by SAND-2 |
psr-0345 |
SNL-SAND-II, Neutron Flux Spectra from Multiple Foil Activation Analysis |
psr-0266 |
SPUNIT, Multisphere Neutron Spectra Unfolding |
psr-0113 |
STAY-SL, Dosimetry Unfolding with Activation, Dosimetry, Flux Error Calculation |
nea-1151 |
SUSD, Sensitivity and Uncertainty in Neutron Transport and Detector Response |
nea-1628 |
SUSD3D, 1-, 2-, 3-Dimensional Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Code |
ccc-0767 |
SWORD 7.0, SoftWare for Optimization of Radiation Detectors |
nea-1665 |
UMG 3.3, Analysis of data measured with spectrometers using unfolding techniques |
ests0827 |
UNSPEC, X-Ray Spectrum Unfolding |
iaea1279 |
ZZ NMF-90, Database for Neutron Spectra Unfolding |