Workshop on Processing tools for evaluated nuclear data libraries
In order to support the distribution and best use of the various evaluated nuclear data libraries,
the NEA promotes the exchange of information on processed libraries, pre-processing and processing codes.
The NEA also provides a framework for the processing of evaluated nuclear data through its nuclear data services.
NEA Offices, France on the 18 November 2008
Tuesday, 18 Nov 2008
10.00 Opening of the meeting
- Welcome and Practicalities
- Introduction (S. Kahler)
- NJOY- current status and future plans (S. Kahler and R. MacFarlane)
- PREPRO, TART and POINT (R. Cullen, viewgraphs for the status report)
- From Conrad to Galilee (CEA-Cadarache, C. De Saint-Jean & M. Coste-Delclaux)
- CONRAD (CEA-Cadarache, C. De Saint-Jean)
- GALILEE (CEA-Saclay, M. Coste-Delclaux)
- AMPX (ORNL, D. Wiarda)
- Nuclear data activities at IRSN (IRSN, W. Haeck)
- SERPENT (VTT, Leppanen) please visit the VTT website to know more about this montecarlo code
- Processing of covariance data (NRG, D. Rochman)
- Open discussion ( "future developments", "collaboration among different projects", "formats", "needs from users")
- Closing
Related links
Working Party in International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
Joint European Fission and Fusion (JEFF) Project
Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG)
ENDF/B Project
JAEA and the JENDL Project
Last reviewed: 27 November 2008