OECD/NEA Data Bank e-newsletter
No. 1, March 2008
Welcome to the first issue of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Data Bank's e-newsletter. In order to improve communication with Data Bank users, we aim to publish this newsletter on a regular basis (every two to three months).
- Nuclear data and tools
- Processed data libraries
- Chemical thermodynamics data
- Computer programs
- Integral experiments data
- Training courses and workshops
- Conferences
1. Nuclear data and tools
Nuclear data services cover all aspects of experimental and evaluated nuclear reaction data. This includes: compiling experimental data (
EXFOR) and bibliographic information (
CINDA); collecting evaluated data (EVA); distributing nuclear data to users; exchanging data with other nuclear data centres; and developing computer software for managing and disseminating nuclear data. These services also include the production, distribution and testing of the Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF) library. For more information visit the nuclear data web page at www.oecd-nea.org/dbdata.
A new release of the nuclear data display program JANIS (version 3.0.1) is available at www.oecd-nea.org/janis/.
Thanks to user feedback, the following improvements and corrections have been implemented:
- Results from user-specified calculations ('computation' tool in plot window) can now be viewed as tables.
- EXFOR coverage and exactness have been improved.
- Some details related to reading the ENDF file 6 (MF=6, differential energy-angle data) have been corrected.
2. Processed data libraries
Recently acquired or tested application data libraries:
- NEA-1801/01 ZZ VITJEFF31.BOLIB,JEFF-3.1 multi-group coupled (199n + 42gamma) cross-section library in AMPX format for nuclear fission applications.
- IAEA0867/05 ZZ IRDF-2002-ACE, cross-section library and spectra for dosimetry calculation in ACE format for Monte Carlo methods.
- DLC-0224/01 ZZ ALBEDO-DATA, data for the calculation of Albedos from concrete, iron, lead and water for photons and neutrons.
- IAEA1420/01 ZZ ADS-LIB/V1.0, test library for accelerator-driven systems.
- IAEA1413/01 PGAA-IAEA, database for prompt gamma ray neutron activation analysis.
For additional information on processing nuclear data (tools, libraries, workshops) please visit our website www.oecd-nea.org/dbdata/process/.
3. Chemical thermodynamics data
The fourth phase of the TDB project (TDB-IV) began on 1 February 2008. The TDB project management boards of Phase III met on 19 February 2008 and Phase IV met on 20 February 2008 at the NEA offices. An agreement was reached and as a result, the third phase will be closed; the remaining tasks and budget will be transferred to the fourth phase. The outstanding tasks include completing and publishing the reviews of chemical thermodynamic data for inorganic compounds and complexes of thorium (Th), iron (Fe), and tin (Sn). The fourth phase of the project will comprise:
- complementary studies of inorganic species and compounds of iron (Fe);
- a review of auxiliary data;
- an update of the selected value database accrued during the first three phases of the project;
- a review of inorganic species and compounds of molybdenum (Mo).
The TDB database can be downloaded from the NEA website by registered users. To register, visit www.oecd-nea.org/dbtdb/utilities/howtoaccess.html.
For more information on the TDB project visit www.oecd-nea.org/dbtdb/.
A database for radiochemical modelling has been acquired recently and the abstract is available at NEA-1210/19 ZZ HATCHES-18.
4. Computer programs
The most recently acquired or tested computer codes and application data libraries are:
- NEA-1683/01 ERANOS 2.0, modular code and data system for fast reactor neutronics analyses (new).
- PSR-0352/05 SCAMPI, problem dependent library pre-processing in AMPX format (new version).
- CCC-0732/03 SCALE 5.1/ORIGEN-ARP5.1: modular system for criticality, shielding, source term, fuel depletion/decay, reactor physics (new version).
- NEA-1716/04 TRIPOLI-4.4, coupled neutron, photon, electron, positron 3-D, time-dependent Monte Carlo, transport calculation (new).
- NEA-1564/10/11 EASY-2005.1, European neutron activation system (new).
- NEA-1800/01 CAFDATS, converter of angular fluxes of DORT, ANISN and TORT systems (new).
- CCC-0601/06 GENII-LIN-2.1, multi-purpose health physics code (new version).
- ESTS1678/01 MCSLTT, Monte Carlo simulation of light transport in tissue (tested).
- NEA-1200/02 ELEORBIT, 3-D simulation of electron orbits in magnetic multi-pole plasma source (tested).
- CCC-0684/06 NRCDose 2.3.9, evaluation of routine radioactive effluents from nuclear power plants (new version).
- IAEA1385/01/02/03 CITOPP,CITMOD,CITWI, processing codes for CITATION code (tested).
- PSR-0541/01 KENO2MCNP, Version 5L, conversion of input data between KENOV.a and MCNP file formats (new).
- NEA-1755/01 SCIP, radioactive surface contamination investigation program (tested).
- NEA-1737/02 TALYS-1.0, computes nuclear reactions cross-sections, yields and spectra via a comprehensive set of nuclear models (new).
- NEA-1628/03 SUSD3D, 1-, 2-, 3-dimensional cross-section sensitivity and uncertainty code (updated release).
- NEA-1735/05 CARL 2.3, radiotoxicity, activity, dose and decay power calculations for spent fuel (new version).
For more details see the daily updated list at www.oecd-nea.org/tools/abstract/new.
Reminder: requests for computer codes acquired from RSICC under the co-operative arrangement (signed on 10 April 2006) have to undergo an additional screening procedure. End users need to fill in several forms in order to obtain a single user/single site licence for using such codes. If you have already downloaded these forms, please note that the instructions have been updated.