Data Bank E-Newsletter July 2008

OECD/NEA Data Bank e-newsletter

No. 2, July 2008

The 17th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Nuclear Science Committee (Data Bank Management Committee) was held from 24 to 25 June 2008, chaired by Pierre D'hondt and attended by 23 delegates from participating countries. The Data Bank activities and its budgets relative to 2007 and 2008 as well as planned activities and budgets for 2009 and 2010 were discussed and approved.

Like in the previous year, also this year's meeting was prolonged by a half day to discuss a questionnaire on "evolution of the Data Bank to meet future challenges", which is a continuation of last year's discussion session on "the future of the Data Bank". Also a special session on "new generation of computer codes in nuclear engineering" was held where three invited guest speakers from US, France and Japan have shared their common understanding on what is happening in the world of computer codes for nuclear science and technology and how they are expected to evolve in the future. A Workshop on this topic will be prepared for 2009.

On new generation of computer codes in nuclear engineering:



  1. Nuclear data and tools
  2. Processed data libraries
  3. Chemical thermodynamics data
  4. Computer programs
  5. Integral experiments data
  6. Training courses and workshops
  7. Conferences
  8. Other items


1. Nuclear data and tools

The following nuclear data libraries have recently been added to the evaluated nuclear data (EVA) database:

  • UK Heavy Element Decay Data library, UKHEDD-2.6;
  • UK Activation Product Decay Data library, UKPADD-6.8.

The EVA database contains a large number of evaluated data libraries, all in ENDF format; it can be consulted at More information on evaluated data libraries is available at

Participants in the Joint European Fission and Fusion (JEFF) nuclear data evaluation project met on 21-23 May 2008 in Aix-en-Provence, France. Meeting participants reviewed feedback from the verification and validation of the current version of the JEFF data library and discussed evaluations to be incorporated into a future release of the library. A new release of JEFF-3.1.1/RDD, the radioactive decay data library, is now available on CD-ROM. The full documentation for the radioactive decay data library is currently being prepared for publication. More information is available at


2. Processed data libraries

Recently acquired or tested application data libraries:

  • NEA-1822/01 ZZ FLUKA05-PRE-LIB, FLUKA05 Multi-group, multi-purpose nuclear data library, neutrons, photons, charged particles.
  • NEA-1818/01 ZZ KASHIL-E70, 199 N, 42 Photon Groups Cross Sections in MATXS Format Based on ENDF/B-VII.0 for Shielding Applications.
  • NEA-1817/01 ZZ KAFAX-J33, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on JENDL-3.3 for Fast Reactors.
  • NEA-1816/01 ZZ KAFAX-F31, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on JEFF-3.1 for Fast Reactors.
  • NEA-1815/01 ZZ KAFAX-E70, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on ENDF/B-VII.0 for Fast Reactors.

For additional information on processing nuclear data (tools, libraries, workshops) please visit our website

3. Chemical thermodynamics data

A new review will appear soon. The Thorium review has gone to press.
The two reviews selected for from Phase IV of the TDB project are:

  • complementary studies of inorganic species and compounds of iron (Fe),
  • a review of auxiliary data

The TDB database can be downloaded from the NEA website by registered users. To register, please visit
More information on the TDB project is available at


4. Computer Programs

The most recently acquired or tested computer codes and application data libraries are:

  • NEA-1826/01 SOLTRAN, solving multi-dimensional simplified P2 transport and diffusion problems of hexagonal geometry in fast reactors (New)
  • NEA-1825/01 RIMACS, Reactor Inspection Main Control System (New)
  • NEA-1824/01 KCUT, code to generate minimal cut sets for fault trees (New)
  • NEA-1821/01 IPLOT, interactive MELCOR data plotting system (New)
  • NEA-1820/01 GTSP, automatic ultrasonic inspection of Guide Tube Support Pin in nuclear power plants (New)
  • NEA-1819/01 BURD, Bayesian estimation in data analysis of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (New)
  • NEA-1813/01 EASYQAD version 1.0, Visualization for Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculations (New)
  • NEA-0919/06 SRIM-2008, Stopping Power and Range of Ions in Matter (New version)
  • NEA-1708/06 ADEFTA 4.1, Atomic Densities for Transport Analysis (New version)
  • CCC-0522/04 VARSKIN-3 V3.0.1, Dose Calculation for Skin Contamination, with Sadde Input Generator (New version)
  • CCC-0553/07 RASCAL 3.0.5, Radiological Doses from Accidental Release to Atmosphere (New version)
  • CCC-0684/07 NRCDose 2.3.10, Evaluation of Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants (New version)
  • NEA-1823/01 ICRS1, Proceedings of the First Radiation Shielding Symposium, Cambridge, UK 1958 (New)
  • PSR-0450/03 KENO3D 5.1, Visualisation Tool for KENO V.A and KENO-VI Geometry Models (New version)
  • PSR-0538/01 P-CARES 2.0.0, Probabilistic Computer Analysis for Rapid Evaluation of Structures (New)

For more details see the daily updated list at


5. Integral experiments data

Fuel behaviour

The International Fuel Performance Experiments (IFPE) Database was recently updated and now includes:

  • NEA-1809/01 IFPE/STEED-I Stored Energy / Enthalpy Determination from Studsvik 
  • NEA-1722/01 IFPE/ROPE-I, BWR, 4 rods, Ringhals, investigates clad creep-out from Studsvik (1986-1993)
  • NEA-1723/01 IFPE/ROPE-II, PWR rod over pressure experiment from Studsvik
  • NEA-1806/01 IFPE/DEFEX, Studsvik DEFEX BWR fuel secondary defect formation as a consequence of primary defects
  • NEA-1807/01 IFPE/DEFEX-II DEMO, BWR fuel primary defect and conditions leading to secondary failure of the cladding by hydriding
  • NEA-1788/01 IFPE/BN-MOX-M109/D3, Belgonucleaire Beznau-1 PWR irradiated MOX Fuel Rod M109/D3
  • NEA-1812/01 FUELPERFORMANCE-REP, Seminars on nuclear fuel performance based on basic underlining phenomena, proceedings

Reactor physics

The March 2008 edition of the International Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPHE) Project handbook is now available at

The next IRPhE review meeting preparing the 2009 edition of the IRPhE Handbook is scheduled for October 2008.

Legacy Handbook by N. M. Schaeffer: NEA-1814/01 REACTORSHIELDING-NMS, Reactor Shielding for Nuclear Engineers.


6. Training courses and workshops

  • 1-12 September 2008
    The training course on experiment, theory and evaluation of nuclear data (EXTEND) for young professionals is to be held in Budapest, Hungary. For more information visit Note, the deadline for applying is 1 April 2008.
  • 29 September-3 October 2008
    Training Course on FLUKA, a fully integrated particle physics Monte Carlo simulation package. OECD/NEA Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France. Registration closed. FLUKA 2008.3 release notes
  • 13-17 October 2008
    Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Training Course using SCALE TSUNAMI, held at KFKI Budapest, Hungary. Syllabus. Registration Form.-Accommodation, transportation, meeting place, and maps
  • 27-31 October 2008
    Joint introductory/intermediate MCNP/MCNPX training course, GRS, Garching near Munich (Germany)-co-sponsored by ORNL/RSICC. Registration closed. Syllabus.
  • 16-20 March 2009
    Training course on "Analytical Benchmarks: Case Studies in Neutron Transport Theory" using the Handbook (including computer codes) published on "Analytical Benchmarks for Nuclear Engineering Applications (Case Studies in Neutron Transport Theory)". This course is intended for transport methods developers and those who teach reactor physics and transport theory. In addition, the course would be appropriate for anyone with an analytical interest in solving equations and the application of numerical methods to obtain extreme accuracy. Teacher: Prof. Barry D. Ganapol.
  • 2-6 March 2009
    SCALE Training course, OECD/N EA
  • 23-27 March 2009
    MCNP6 Training course, OECD/NEA

7. Conferences

Meetings and conferences Sponsored by the Nuclear Science Committee & Data Bank


See also: Other NEA nuclear science meetings


8. Other items

Information on joint research projects related to nuclear safety

A steam explosion experiments (STEX) database is now ready (International Steam Explosion Experimental Data Base). The University of Wisconsin and the NEA Nuclear Safety Division are working together on this project.