Data Bank E-Newsletter March 2009

OECD/NEA Data Bank e-newsletter

No. 5, March 2009


A year has passed since we launched this E-Newsletter, and we hope that you will continue to find it useful throughout the year to come.

  1. Nuclear data and tools
  2. Processed data libraries
  3. Chemical thermodynamics data
  4. Computer programs
  5. Integral experiments data
  6. Benchmarks
  7. Training courses and workshops
  8. Conferences

1. Nuclear data and tools

The compilation of experimental and bibliographic nuclear reaction data, (EXFOR and CINDA), is progressing as planned. A workshop on processing tools for evaluated data was successfully organised in November 2008 at the NEA in conjunction with the evaluated data project JEFF. In February 2009, we released the JEFF3.1.1 library, an updated version of the neutron induced file and the fission yields libraries. It can be found at: Improvements to this latest version of the JEFF.3.1.1 General Purpose library are particularly noteworthy as pertains to light water reactor applications and the associated fuel cycle. The documentation associated with this library has been published in draft form as the JEFF22 report. and can be found at:

The NEA will collaborate with the CEA in the organisation of the 2nd International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications, WONDER 2009, held in Cadarache, France from 29 September 2009 to 2 October 2009. For more information, please visit:

The NEA, in association with the IAEA will organise a Technical Meeting on Specific Applications of Research Reactors: Provision of Nuclear Data. The meeting will be held in Vienna, Austria on 12-16 October 2009. More details regarding the meeting can be found at:



2. Processed data libraries

Recently acquired or tested application data libraries:

  • NEA-1815/01 ZZ KAFAX-E70, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on ENDF/B-VII.0 for Fast Reactors
  • NEA-1816/01 ZZ KAFAX-F31, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on JEFF-3.1 for Fast Reactors
  • NEA-1817/01 ZZ KAFAX-J33, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on JENDL-3.3 for Fast Reactors
  • NEA-1818/01 ZZ KASHIL-E70, 199 N, 42 Photon Groups Cross Sections in MATXS Format Based on ENDF/B-VII.0 for Shielding Applications


3. Chemical Thermodynamics Data

Volume 11 in the TDB Series Chemical thermodynamics of Thorium was released in January 2009. Work is in progress on three (out of four) Reviews of Phase IV:

  • Studies of inorganic species and compounds of Molybdenum (Mo),
  • Review of auxiliary data,
  • Update of the selected value database accrued during the previous phases of the project.


4. Computer Programs

The most recently acquired or tested computer codes are:

  • NEA-1845/01 MURE, MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution: couples Monte-Carlo transport with fuel burnup calculations
  • CCC-0750/01 SCALE 6, Modular system for criticality, shielding, source term, fuel depletion/decay, inventories, reactor physics (New)
  • PSR-0534/02 PUFF-IV 6.1.0, Code System to Generate Multigroup Covariance Matrices from ENDF/B-VI Uncertainty Files (Updated version)
  • NEA-1525/14 PENELOPE2008, A Code System for Monte-Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport (Updated version)
  • NEA-1278/04 CALENDF-2005, Pointwise, Multigroup Neutron Cross-Sections and Probability Tables from ENDF/B Evaluations (Tested)
  • NEA-1564/10 EASY-2005.1, European Neutron Activation System (UNIX version) (Tested)
  • NEA-1564/11 EASY-2005.1, European Neutron Activation System (Windows version) (Tested)

Note for users of DVDs sent out by the NEA Data Bank :

The CD-ROM and DVD robot used at the NEA Data Bank to produce copies of the information it distributes was upgraded recently. DVDs are produced for large packages with dual layers. The result of this upgrade and modification is that there might arise compatibility problems with operating systems and/or DVD-readers older than 12 years, i.e. released before 1997. Users experiencing problems with old DVD readers should either request information on CD-ROM or upgrade their readers.

Export control and license forms

Users are requested to download the latest versions when making requests as these forms are regularly updated.

For more details see the daily updated list at

5. Integral experiments data

Radiation shielding
  • NEA-1552/16 SINBAD-AGS-P-N-RI. Measurement of Radioactivity Induced by GeV-Protons and Spallation Neutrons Using AGS (Alternative Gradient Synchrotron) accelerator (2001)
  • NEA-1552/26 SINBAD-CERF-RES.DOSE-CERF benchmark study of residual dose rates with FLUKA (2003).
  • NEA-1552/27 SINBAD-CERF-RADIONUC. CERF benchmark study of radionuclide production with FLUKA (~2003).
  • NEA-1552/28 SINBAD-CERF-120GEV/C. CERF shielding experiment at CERN (2004).
  • NEA-1552/30 SINBAD-30/52MEV-P. Measurements of angular neutron spectra produced from 30-and 52-MeV protons striking thick targets of Carbon, Iron, Copper, and Lead by 30- and 52-MeV Protons, performed at the University of Tokyo and the University of Osaka (1982).
  • NEA-1552/31 SINBAD-AVF-75MEV-P. Measurements of the transmission of secondary neutrons through concrete shields, involved a 75-MeV proton beam incident on a stopping-range copper assembly, performed at the AVF Cyclotron Facility at Osaka University (1991).
  • NEA-1552/32 SINBAD-200/400GEV-P. CERN measurements of the dose and hadron yield from copper targets in 200 GeV/c and 400 GeV/c extracted proton beams (1983). (report only)
  • NEA-1517/81 SINBAD-LR0-VVER440. Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in VVER-440 using the NRI LR-0 experimental reactor (~1990)
  • NEA-1517/82 SINBAD-LR0-VVER1000. Radiation field parameters for pressure vessel monitoring in VVER-1000 using the NRI LR-0 experimental reactor (~1990)
  • NEA-1553/43 SINBAD-LI-BLANKET. Juelich Neutronics Lithium Metal Blanket Experiment (1976-1984)
  • NEA-1553/45 SINBAD-FNS-BENCHM. Collection of experimental data for fusion neutronics benchmark (1983-1991)
Reactor physics
  • The March 2009 edition of the International Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhE) Project handbook is described in It is now available. The new edition contains 36 different experimental series that were performed at 21 different reactor facilities.
Fuel performance
  • NEA-1778/01 IFPE/IFA-514/565, LWR MOX Fuel Irradiation Tests-HBWR Irradiation with the Instrument Rig, IFA-514/565 (JAEA) 6 rods
Nuclear safety joint research projects
  • CSNI2012/01 TMI-VIP, Three Mile Island Reactor Pressure Vessel investigation OECD/NEA Project
  • CSNI2001/01 PKL-1, Experimental data on boron dilution and loss of residual heat removal in mid-loop operation (during shutdown)
  • CSNI2010/01 MASCA-2, In-vessel phenomena during severe accidents
  • CSNI2002/01 SETH/PANDA, Three-dimensional gas flow distributions relevant to in-reactor containments under accidents conditions
  • CSNI2200/01 PSB-VVER, Computer code validation for transient analysis of VVER and RBMK reactors project



6. Benchmarks and Legacy books


Dr. J.D. Lewins has now released the following three legacy books:

  • NEA-1811/01 JDL-IMPORTANCE, Importance: The Adjoint Function: The Physical Basis of Variational and Perturbation Theory in Transport and Diffusion Problems, North-Holland Publishing Company-Amsterdam, 582 pages, 1966
  • NEA-1843/01 JDL-REACTOR-KINETICS, Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Control, Pergamon Press, London, 275 pages, 1978
  • NEA-1844/01 JDL-THERMODYNAMICS, Thermodynamics: Frontiers and Foundations, New book 2009, electronic publishing




7. Training courses and workshops

  • 30 March-3 April 2009 -Training Course on FLUKA-A Multipurpose Particle Interaction and Transport Monte Carlo Code, National Center of Scientific Research "Demokritos", Athens, Greece. Registration closed. Syllabus.
  • 6-9 July 2009 -Training course on PENELOPE 2008-A code system for Monte Carlo simulation of electron and photon transport. Scope and objectives, syllabus and accommodation. Registration form.
  • 19-21 October 2009 - ERANOS users' workshop (second edition) organized by CEA in cooperation with the NEA Data Bank, Aix-en-Provence, France. For more information, please contact genevieve.arroyo (at)



8. Conferences


Meetings and conferences sponsored by the Nuclear Science Committee & Data Bank




See also: Other NEA nuclear science meetings