About the Data Bank
Data Bank servers. Photo: Fabienne Vuillaume/NEA.

The NEA Data Bank serves as the premier international centre of reference for basic nuclear tools, such as computer codes, nuclear and thermochemical data, experimental and evaluated microscopic nuclear data, and benchmark experimental data used for the analysis and prediction of phenomena in the nuclear field. It also maintains and distributes databases developed within the NEA working parties and expert groups, as well as by NEA joint projects. 

The Data Bank continues to adapt its programme of work in response to changing technical developments, in particular to the needs arising from the broadening application of large-scale modelling and computation capabilities.

Data Bank participating countries

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How the Data Bank works

By gathering representatives from Data Bank participating countries, the Management Board for the Development, Application and Validation of Nuclear Data and Codes (MBDAV) steers the activities of the Data Bank by establishing the work programme and by endorsing related budgets. The MBDAV reports to the Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy.

Data Bank's activities cover:

  • developing, compiling, validating and disseminating bibliographic and numerical information, including but not limited to, nuclear, atomic and chemical thermodynamic data (such as experimental, evaluated and integral data) and computer programs for nuclear science and technology
  • supporting and maintaining knowledge management and expertise in computing methods and associated information systems
  • collaborating as appropriate on the above work with other relevant data and information centres.

In the fulfilment of its mandate, the Management Board interacts with the NEA standing technical committees on matters of common interest and with other bodies within the Organisation, as well as with other international organisations (International Atomic Energy Agency, etc.) as appropriate. 

The Data Bank provides a direct service to its users by making tools available on request and by co-ordinating international initiatives.

laptop  Computer Program Services (CPS)

atom   Nuclear Data Services (NDS)

books   Thermochemical Database (TDB)

Data Bank contacts 

Management Bord of the Data Bank (Management Board for the Development, Application and Validation of Nuclear  Data and Codes (MBDAV))

Objectives and mission (mandate of MBDAV; 2016)

Chairpersons of the Data Bank Management Board

MBDAV delegates' area (password protected)