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Calculational Methods

In this study, a CANDU fuel bundle based on the Darlington Reactor in Canada is modeled. The specific power of the bundle is 26.3 W/g. The burnup sequence is modeled in the SAS6 code system. This system incorporates codes from the SCALE package, WIMSD, and ORIGEN-S. The selfshielding is treated by the BONAMI and NITAWL routines from the SCALE package performing Bondarenko treatment for the unresolved resonance range and Nordheim treatment for the resolved resonance range. The basic nuclear data are from the JEF2.2 nuclear data file processed by NJOY. The discharge burnup is determined by the criterion that to operate the reactor with sufficient margin, the time-averaged infinite multiplication factor for the assembly should not be smaller than 1.05.

Bultman J.
Thu Apr 27 11:47:47 MET DST 1995

Last reviewed: 3 February 2012