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Once-through THWRs produce lower amounts of transuranics but not significantly lower radiotoxicities of the actinides than the natural uranium fueled HWR, although the radiotoxicity for the first 40,000 years is much lower for the THWRs with uranium topping.

The plutonium topped HWR systems will reduce plutonium at a much higher rate than with PWR-MOX systems. The radiotoxicity of the final waste form, however, is much higher than for the natural uranium fueled HWR.

1. J.M. Li, P.F.A. de Leege, J.L. Kloosterman, "SAS6: Two-Dimensional Depletion and Criticality Analysis Code," ECN-I-94-041.
2. R.C.L. van der Stad, Cai Chonghai, H. Gruppelaar, V. Lalov Lalov, "EJ2-XMAS, a JEF2.2 Based Neutron Cross Section Library in the XMAS Group Structure; User Manual," ECN-I-94-049.

Table 1: Overview of studied Heavy Water Reactors

Figure 1: Radiotoxicity of actinide waste in Once-Through HWRs  

Bultman J.
Thu Apr 27 11:47:47 MET DST 1995

Last reviewed: 3 February 2012