Expert Group on the High Priority Request List (HPRL) for Nuclear Data

WPEC Expert Group - EGHPRL (SG-C)

Information on this web page is for exclusive use by participants in the subgroup activities. The data from this web page should not be quoted or used without the explicit consent of the contributing author.


[Meetings from 2022 onward are on the NEA MyNEA SharePoint system]

How to cite the HPRL

  • E. Dupont, et al. (2020), HPRL – International cooperation to identify and monitor priority nuclear data needs for nuclear applications, EPJ Web of Conferences 239, 15005, DOI:10.1051/epjconf/202023915005
  • A. Plompen, et al. (2007), The NEA High Priority Nuclear Data Request List for future needs, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 765-768, DOI:10.1051/ndata:07419
  • D. Smith, et al. (2005), The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Request List for Nuclear Data, AIP Conference Proceedings 769, 545, DOI:10.1063/1.1945067


Representing Representative(s)
ENDF, USA Y. Danon (RPI), D. Smith (ANL)
JEFF, NEA DB D. Bernard (CEA, France) E. Dupont (CEA, France), A. Plompen (EC-JRC-Geel, Belgium), G. Rimpault (CEA, France), G. Smith (U. Manchester, UK)
JENDL, Japan N. Iwamoto (JAEA), O. Iwamoto (JAEA), T. Iwasaki (Tohoku), A. Kimura (JAEA)
BROND, Russia V. Koscheev (IPPE), V. Pronyaev (IPPE)
CENDL, China Z. Ge (CIAE), X. Ruan (CIAE), S. Weili (IAPCM), H. Wu (CIAE)
Korea Y.-O. Lee (KAERI)
Romania A. Negret (IFIN-HH)
IAEA R. Capote, A. Koning
NEA M. Fleming

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For more information, please contact: Michael Fleming

Last update: 4 November 2021
