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Program name | Package id | Status | Status date |
STACY | IAEA1439/01 | Tested | 14-OCT-2021 |
Machines used:
Package ID | Orig. computer | Test computer |
IAEA1439/01 | Linux-based PC,PC Windows | PC Windows |
Source Term Analysis Code System (or STACY) is a tool to predict the fission product release from spherical fuel elements and the TRISO fuel performance under given normal or accidental conditions. Developed from older codes – FRESCO-I, FRESCO-II, PANAMA and SPATRA – the STACY package was modernized in FORTRAN 95/2003 to enable more detailed analysis, including source term estimation, coated particle failure rate, distinct pebble radius temperature profile etc. Additional STACY capabilities allow for the simulation of the redistribution of fission products within the primary circuit and the deposition of fission products on graphitic and metallic surfaces. STACY will later become a module within the V/HTR Code Package (HCP).
Tested at the NEA Data Bank with:
COMPUTER: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7600U @ 2.80 GHz CPU Processor, RAM: 16.0 GB
OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 10
COMPUTER: Intel® Core™ NUC7i7BNH i7-7567U processor 4.0 GHz Turbo Dual Core CPU, RAM: 16.0 GB
COMPILER: gfortran v9.3, gcc v9.3
Keywords: fission gas release, fission products, high temperature reactors.