NUMBER OF GROUPS: 46 energy group structure from 14.2 MeV to 1 MeV
NUCLIDES: Li-6, Li-7, O, Be, Pb, Nb, Fe, Ni, Cr, Zr, V, Ti, H, D, T, C, Al, B-10, B-11, Cu-63, Cu-65, F, Na, K, Mo.
WEIGHTING SPECTRUM: 1/(Sigma t (E).E) weighting is used for groups 1 to 44 with Maxwellian weighting for the two thermal groups.
UKCTR1 is a data library of neutron cross sections for 25 materials in a 46 energy group structure from 14.2 MeV to 1 MeV. It is designed for calculation of neutron fluxes and reaction rates in controlled thermonuclear reactors. The energy group structure is fine at 14 MeV and there are two thermal groups; the lethargy interval width per energy group for decreasing energy is as follows: 0.014, 0.036, 2 x 0.15, 15 x 0.3, 25 x 0.5, 2.935 and 3.091. Reaction cross sections in- cluding partial inelastic data are provided for the following materials: Li-6, Li-7, O, Be, Pb, Nb, Fe, Ni, Cr, Zr, V, Ti, H, D, T, C, Al, B-10, B-11, Cu-63, Cu-65, F, Na, K, Mo.
1/(Sigma t (E).E) weighting is used for groups 1 to 44 with Max- wellian weighting for the two thermal groups. Anisotropy of scat- tering is represented by a P order up to 4 (usually 0 to 4). Data for hydrogen and deuterium both in water and heavy water and in the gaseous state is available.
As a supplement, neutron kerma factors are included for each of the nuclides in the library as well as 98 activation cross sections of importance in fusion reactor work. (These 98 activation cross sections have been extracted from the bulk of the UKCTR-I library to be in a more convenient form for programs such as ANISN.) The kerma factors were computed using the code ENBAL2, a revised ver- sion of ENBAL, which calculates multigroup kerma factors directly from multigroup cross sections together with reaction Q-values. This approach allows neutron heating calculations to be performed consistently with the flux calculation.