Data Base on basic chemical, physical, and nuclear properties of the elements in the Mendeleyev Table (118 elements, 4435 nuclides comprising isotopes and isomers).
Example: density electric and thermal conductivity, masses of isotopes and isomers, ionisation potential, etc. from H to Ei (Z=118).
Both French and English versions are available. In addition, the French version (513 pages) contains other general information about the elements such as mineralogy, industrial applications, toxicity, historical information on discovery of the elements, etc.
The latest version contains updates of atomic masses, the names of symbols of transuranium elements have been updated in accordance with the IUPAC recommendations (ref.4).
The values of the abundance of elements in the sun have been corrected according to Grevesse et al. (ref.5).
The price of the different elements have been updated, some minor errors have been corrected and the presentation of the coverpage has been improved.
Several pages have been added to the last chapter of the French version (CHIMISTE), this chapter is not available in the English version (CHEMENGL).