Computer Programs
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New computer programs acquisitions and updates in the last year

12-DEC-24 NEA-1934 FIFRELIN-1.7, generation of fission fragments and simulate their de-excitation to estimate prompt fission observables
03-DEC-24 NEA-1935 HRP-LEGACY-DB, Halden Reactor Project Legacy Database
12-SEP-24 NEA-1525 PENELOPE2023, A Code System for Monte-Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport
26-JUL-24 NEA-1933 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2023), 1-6 Oct. 2023, Sendai
09-APR-24 NEA-1924 KRAKEN 1.2.X, framework of (coupled) tools for reactor core analysis