NEA Mandates and Structures

Expert Group on Building Constructive Dialogues between Regulators and Implementers in Developing Disposal Solutions for Radioactive Waste (RIDD)

Chair(s): Philippe LALIEUX, Belgium
Sylvie VOINIS, France
Secretary:  Soufiane MEKKI
Member(s):All NEA member countries*
Russia (Suspended*)
*Russian Federation suspended pursuant to a decision of the OECD Council.
EU participation: The European Union (EU) takes part in the work of the NEA, in accordance with the NEA Statute and the Supplementary Protocol to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Observer(s)(International Organisation): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
By agreement
Date of creation:19 March 2019
End of mandate:31 December 2020

Mandate (Document reference):

  • Summary Record of the 51st meeting of the Radioactive Waste Management Committee on 25-26, April 2018 [NEA/RWM/M(2018)4]
  • Building Constructive Dialogues between Regulators and Implementers in Developing Disposal Solutions for Radioactive Waste (RIDD) Terms of Reference [NEA/RWM(2019)7]
  • Mandate of the Expert Group on Building Constructive Dialogues between Regulators and Implementers in Developing Disposal Solutions for Radioactive Waste (RIDD) [NEA/RWM(2019)4] 

Mandate (Document extract):

Extract from Document NEA/RWM(2019)4

1.1 Mandate:

Experience has shown that when developing consequent projects, the “decide-announce-defend” approach, in which the public communities were not involved or informed, would fail. In major decision making, there has been enough experience which indicates that dialogue with stakeholders is essential. Many national radioactive waste management programs have witnessed risk disputes centered on government credibility and openness. It is therefore crucial to establish a common understanding of the key objectives and safety criteria for the disposal of radioactive waste.

The current trend is to emphasize stakeholder confidence. The elements that relate to acquiring and maintaining the confidence of stakeholders in the regulatory system and in the implementer’s waste management program stem from constraints on the regulatory system such as:

  • existing legal framework and national processes in developing geological repositories;
  • stability of the regulatory structure versus flexibility in the decision-making process;
  • oversight of the decision-making process (guardian/external review committee);
  • inherent features of the organisations which contribute to confidence;
  • demonstrating practices that contribute to confidence;
  • independence and integrity of the regulator; and
  • traceability of both program decisions (implementer) and regulatory decisions.

In implementing the Radioactive Waste Management Committee’s (RWMC) vision to develop sustainable strategies for the management of all types of radioactive waste, the Expert Group on Building Constructive Dialogue between Regulators and Implementers in Developing Disposal Solutions for Radioactive Waste (RIDD) was established, and the Terms of Reference was discussed at the meeting on 25-26, April 2018.

RIDD is being initiated to identify best practices and develop recommendations for structuring the regulator-implementer (R-I) dialogue in the decision-making process in programs for geological disposal of spent fuel / high-level radioactive waste.

The RIDD initiative will address the following:

  • how to structure R-I dialogue to treat uncertainty and risk communication/management,
  • how to use the R-I dialogue to enhance societal trust,
  • what tools and mechanisms are available to preserve the independence of the regulators from political and industry influence and to demonstrate that independence,
  • how to structure effective dialogues with other interested parties.

In order to develop its activities, and in its modus operandi, RIDD will follow the approach of the RWMC’s expert groups and support the RWMC work through information exchange and activities on issues of radioactive waste management regulating (including but not limited to decommissioning activities in coordination with the Committee on Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations and Legacy Management). The NEA Division of Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning (RWMD) will support the RIDD initiative in achieving its objectives.

Working methods

The RIDD shall:

  •  be composed of experts from NEA member countries in the area of radioactive waste management,
  • organise meetings to foster the exchange of knowledge and the development of best practices in engaging various stakeholders in managing radioactive waste and waste facilities, and
  • report to RWMC periodically, and at least once a year.


A report shall be drafted which summarizes the best practices and the recommendations for structuring R-I dialogue. These will be gathered from previous and existing international work (including but not limited to the work of the NEA, the IAEA and the European Commission). The aim is to guide effective R-I dialogue in the decision-making process of managing radioactive waste.