Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (JEFF)
Nuclear Data Library

JEFF-4T3 (Official) Downloads

Welcome to the official release of the JEFF-4T3 library!

After our initial unofficial release in September 2023, we are thrilled to announce that JEFF-4T3 is now officially available as of February 2024. This release marks a significant milestone in our continuous efforts to provide accurate and reliable nuclear data to the scientific community.

For a comprehensive overview of the changes introduced in JEFF-4T3, we invite you to refer to this spreadsheet: JEFF-4 Evolution. It provides detailed insights into the modifications made.

Kindly be aware that the most recent official release from JEFF continues to be JEFF-3.3.

Fission Yields (FY):

Please be aware that only the conservative approach has been retained, and that the normalization error in fission yields has been addressed.

Each evaluation contains 4 files:

- the FY evaluation in the ENDF6 format

- the cumulative FY correlation matrix

- the independent FY correlation matrix

- a file describing how to read and use the correlation matrices

Release Format Content Files Download
JEFF-4T3 ENDF6 Thermal fission of U-235 (Conservative approach) 4
JEFF-4T3 ENDF6 Thermal fission of Pu-239 (Conservative approach) 4

Thermal Scattering Law (TSL):

JEFF-4T3 takes TSL from JEFF-3.3, with the exception of:

- H in H2O: new evaluation by José Ignacio Marquez Damian

- U in UO2 and O in UO2: new evaluation by Gilles Noguère (already available in JEFF-4T1)

- Pu in PuO2 and O in PuO2: new evaluation by Gilles Noguère (already available in JEFF-4T1)

- H and C in CH2 (Polyethylene): provided by ORNL

- H and C in C8H8 (Polystyrene): provided by ORNL

- H, C, and O in C5O2H8 (Lucite): provided by ORNL

H and C in CH2, U and O in UO2, and Pu and O in PuO2 could not be processed with the NEA pipeline.

Release Format Code used Content N. Eval. Download
JEFF-4T3 ENDF6 - Thermal Scattering Law Evaluations (download all) 29
JEFF-4T3 ENDF6 - Thermal Scattering Law Evaluations (choose and download) 29
JEFF-4T3 ACE NJOY2016.56 Continuous-energy cross section data 295
JEFF-4T3 Text NJOY2016.56 XSDIR for MCNP 1
JEFF-4T3 Text - XSDATA for Serpent 1

Neutron induced reaction cross sections evaluations :

Changes compared to JEFF-4T2.2:

- F-19, Si-28, Si-29, Si-30, Fe-56, Cu-63, Cu-65 are from INDEN

- Eight-groups delayed neutron data were restored from JEFF-3.3 for Th-227, Th-229, U-232, U-236, Np-238, Pu-242, Am-242m, Am-243, Cf-249, Cf-251

- The gamma decay cascade for inelastic scattering (MF12 and MF14) was completed whenever necessary

- B-9 and Be-10 are taken from TENDL-2023, as they were missing in previous versions of JEFF

- New evaluations for Ar-36,38, V-51, Xe-124,126,128-132,134,136, Pm-147, Bi-209, U-235,236,238, Np-238, Pu-239,240,241

- All TENDL-2021 files have been replaced with the latest TENDL-2023 data, with the exception of Np-237

- All JENDL-4 files have been replaced with the latest JENDL-5 data

- Minor typos and format issues were corrected

Kindly be aware that JEFF-4T3.0 Cu-63 and Cu-65 cannot be directly used by TRIPOLI-4. For that reason, the files were corrected and given as a separate patch. For more info about the changes, go to GitLab.

For a comprehensive overview of the changes, please refer to the following spreadsheet: JEFF-4 Evolution.

Release Format Code used Content N. Eval. Download
JEFF-4T3 ENDF6 - Cu-63 and Cu-65 cross section evaluations for TRIPOLI-4 users 2
JEFF-4T3 ENDF6 - Cross section evaluations (download all) 567
JEFF-4T3 ENDF6 - Cross section evaluations (choose and download) 567
JEFF-4T3 ACE NJOY2016.56 Continuous-energy cross section data 567
JEFF-4T3 Text - XSDIR for MCNP 1
JEFF-4T3 GENDF-1102 NJOY2016.56 and PREPRO2021 Groupwise cross section data 567
JEFF-4T3 HDF5 NJOY2016.56 and OPENMC Continuous-energy cross section data 567
JEFF-4T3 XML FUDGE-6.2.0 Cross section evaluations + covariance data 967
JEFF-4T3 XML FUDGE-6.2.0 List of files for which the FUDGE processing failed 1
JEFF-4T3 PDF NJOY2016.56 and PREPRO2021 Plots (choose and download) 1701
JEFF-4T3 Excel NEA Pipeline Status of the pipeline for each isotope 1

Last modified: 30 April 2024
